Okay, so stay tuned....I'll be sharing lovely photos of our two trip to Portugal over the next little while.......it was amazing to be away from everything at home......and just be.
Back home last Monday evening
Back at work Wednesday morning - early - thank you jet lag!\
Back to the gym this evening
Most awesome thing about coming home, other than kitten snuggles, puppy smooches, and horsie nickering was that I only gained 2 lbs! Yes, I ate and drank and was merry (within reason) and only gained 2 lbs. WOW! HUGE accomplishment for me.
More later.....
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
All I need to do is:
1. Survive an uber-long day at the office and get eleventymillion things done.
2. Figure out what I'm actually going to pack in my suitace - oh, and actually pack (likely tonight will be a laundry-o-thon)......
3. R*E*L*A*X.....and you know, after my last post, I'm a work in progress on that one.
I have a new camera.
I have new suitacases.
I have some new clothes that make me feel great!
I will be spending two weeks with my sweetheart in Portugal!!!!!
.......and, to be true to myself, I'm taking workout clothes with me and even going to hit the gym on Sunday morning before we have to drive to Toronto to get on the plane.
Stay tuned!
1. Survive an uber-long day at the office and get eleventymillion things done.
2. Figure out what I'm actually going to pack in my suitace - oh, and actually pack (likely tonight will be a laundry-o-thon)......
3. R*E*L*A*X.....and you know, after my last post, I'm a work in progress on that one.
I have a new camera.
I have new suitacases.
I have some new clothes that make me feel great!
I will be spending two weeks with my sweetheart in Portugal!!!!!
.......and, to be true to myself, I'm taking workout clothes with me and even going to hit the gym on Sunday morning before we have to drive to Toronto to get on the plane.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
So, stress......it's one of those things that is sometimes good and pushes you to accomplish things, and sometimes bad and sends your blood pressure to the boiling point and inhibits your ability to see things clearly.
I have a very demanding life......too much so at times. I work full time, I live on a working farm (and I help when I'm not at work) and I own and operate my own seasonal farm business with my partner. Things are finally winding down for the farm season.....however, my full-time job is in academia and it's crazy season at work for all of us now. Basically, I guess I'm saying that I'm crazy busy and don't find time to do things I love to do.
Personal life stress comes and goes as well.....stress with kids, your significant other, well, you get the picture.
So, I'm doing things right:
1. I'm eating clean - mostly following 17DD with an occasional indulgence.
2. I'm working out at the gym 3-4 times per week with my absolute fave trainer - she totally gets me which is awesome.
I'm not losing weight. Hmmmmmmmm......................
I am losing inches though, so I'm trying very hard to not let the lack of weight loss itself get to me because I can feel and see so many positive changes with what I've been doing. But you know, the scale, being the evil thing that it is, well, I'd really, really, really (really!) love it to move down a tad......
........which brings me to - CORTISOL - well, I'm likely borderline (if not full-blown) suffering from chronic stress......it's not pretty and lately I haven't been dealing with any additional stress well at all.
If you do some reading on Cortisol and Stress.......well, it's clear that although 1 & 2 above are definitely going to get me to a healthier place.......I need to add another to the list and put it up as my first priority. STRESS MANAGEMENT.......I need down time, I need time to unwind, relax, and just be.......
Stay tuned as I figure this one out! Last night's first attempt was: send DSO and his son out for dinner just the two of them while I light candles and soaked in a bubble bath......that's day 1. Today I will spend some time doing something just for me as well.....just not quite sure what that will be yet.
I have a very demanding life......too much so at times. I work full time, I live on a working farm (and I help when I'm not at work) and I own and operate my own seasonal farm business with my partner. Things are finally winding down for the farm season.....however, my full-time job is in academia and it's crazy season at work for all of us now. Basically, I guess I'm saying that I'm crazy busy and don't find time to do things I love to do.
Personal life stress comes and goes as well.....stress with kids, your significant other, well, you get the picture.
So, I'm doing things right:
1. I'm eating clean - mostly following 17DD with an occasional indulgence.
2. I'm working out at the gym 3-4 times per week with my absolute fave trainer - she totally gets me which is awesome.
I'm not losing weight. Hmmmmmmmm......................
I am losing inches though, so I'm trying very hard to not let the lack of weight loss itself get to me because I can feel and see so many positive changes with what I've been doing. But you know, the scale, being the evil thing that it is, well, I'd really, really, really (really!) love it to move down a tad......
........which brings me to - CORTISOL - well, I'm likely borderline (if not full-blown) suffering from chronic stress......it's not pretty and lately I haven't been dealing with any additional stress well at all.
If you do some reading on Cortisol and Stress.......well, it's clear that although 1 & 2 above are definitely going to get me to a healthier place.......I need to add another to the list and put it up as my first priority. STRESS MANAGEMENT.......I need down time, I need time to unwind, relax, and just be.......
Stay tuned as I figure this one out! Last night's first attempt was: send DSO and his son out for dinner just the two of them while I light candles and soaked in a bubble bath......that's day 1. Today I will spend some time doing something just for me as well.....just not quite sure what that will be yet.
Friday, November 11, 2011
A Day of Remembrance - A Day to Give Thanks
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!!!!!
...hmmmm....I think I need to change the name of my Blog......I turn 51 today!
Anyway, hope you're all keeping well - I'm doing okay.
Stress-ville is still my location of choice, but it's getting better day after day.
So, this is a little challenge I'd like to throw out there - do something nice for yourself on your birthday this year! For me, I've booked an extra training session with my trainer.....so I'm off to the gym after work to work off some frustration and earn some extra lee-way for my supper out with my two daughters!
Anyway, hope you're all keeping well - I'm doing okay.
Stress-ville is still my location of choice, but it's getting better day after day.
So, this is a little challenge I'd like to throw out there - do something nice for yourself on your birthday this year! For me, I've booked an extra training session with my trainer.....so I'm off to the gym after work to work off some frustration and earn some extra lee-way for my supper out with my two daughters!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Plan for Success
Want to share something here. I often feel like a failure. I try (sometimes too hard and set the bar too high).....I don't finish = failing.
So, I'm working on turning my life around - personal relationships, work and career aspirations, and mostly about taking care of me. Dealing with mind clutter, dealing with stress, dealing with food, dealing with getting enough exercise.......bottom line - taking care of me.
Years ago (about 7 years now) when I first joined WW, I was very successful....I lost 28 lbs in 8 months and managed to keep them off for close to 2 years. I gained back about 5 lbs and managed to maintain that again for the same period. Then I let stress win, I let a boatload of ridiculous commitments win, and yes, I lost....or maybe I should say gained - weight. Pretty much back to where I started.
This past few months, let's say 6 - I've had a few glimpses of the old me....the one who was focused and determined, but continuous stress just keeps getting to me.
What I have accomplished is:
1. lost 19 lbs since mid February and kept them off.
2. embraced clean eating (most of the time) by following 17DDieting as much as I can.
3. given myself permission to be human - yes, I do still indulge in things that are not good for me, but not anywhere near as often as I used to.
4. taking care of myself physically - I always go for my annual checkups, dental checkups, etc.....but the muscular/structural parts of me have needed serious overhaul. I recommitted to going to the gym in early summer, but then farm work sidelined me for a while. I've been back working out regularly with my trainer for a month now and I'm starting to feel better......makes me realize that I AM WORTH THIS. I DESERVE THIS. So, putting the hard work in is now super important.
Earlier this morning I was e-mailing my trainer......and looking at which of my fave blogs had recently posted. Mousearoo had posted a list of what has made her successful in her quest.....WOW, I can relate to so much of what she wrote. Thanks Mousie.
So, to use the old addage - today is the first day of the rest of MY life - how about yours?
So, I'm working on turning my life around - personal relationships, work and career aspirations, and mostly about taking care of me. Dealing with mind clutter, dealing with stress, dealing with food, dealing with getting enough exercise.......bottom line - taking care of me.
Years ago (about 7 years now) when I first joined WW, I was very successful....I lost 28 lbs in 8 months and managed to keep them off for close to 2 years. I gained back about 5 lbs and managed to maintain that again for the same period. Then I let stress win, I let a boatload of ridiculous commitments win, and yes, I lost....or maybe I should say gained - weight. Pretty much back to where I started.
This past few months, let's say 6 - I've had a few glimpses of the old me....the one who was focused and determined, but continuous stress just keeps getting to me.
What I have accomplished is:
1. lost 19 lbs since mid February and kept them off.
2. embraced clean eating (most of the time) by following 17DDieting as much as I can.
3. given myself permission to be human - yes, I do still indulge in things that are not good for me, but not anywhere near as often as I used to.
4. taking care of myself physically - I always go for my annual checkups, dental checkups, etc.....but the muscular/structural parts of me have needed serious overhaul. I recommitted to going to the gym in early summer, but then farm work sidelined me for a while. I've been back working out regularly with my trainer for a month now and I'm starting to feel better......makes me realize that I AM WORTH THIS. I DESERVE THIS. So, putting the hard work in is now super important.
Earlier this morning I was e-mailing my trainer......and looking at which of my fave blogs had recently posted. Mousearoo had posted a list of what has made her successful in her quest.....WOW, I can relate to so much of what she wrote. Thanks Mousie.
So, to use the old addage - today is the first day of the rest of MY life - how about yours?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 1 went well...on to Day 2!
So, yesterday was a bit of a stress-a-thon....gotta love kids!?!!!!!!!
Anyhoo, did not indulge in any pitty-party food after the stressing episode.
Stuck to my plan
Went to the gym
Today - longer day at work. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner planned. Will take some time to relax this evening.
Onwards and downwards!
Anyhoo, did not indulge in any pitty-party food after the stressing episode.
Stuck to my plan
Went to the gym
Today - longer day at work. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner planned. Will take some time to relax this evening.
Onwards and downwards!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday - November 1st
Wow, where did summer go? Yeah, I know, I was busy working on the farm, but still...where did the whole summer go? Gone.....another frosty morning again this morning. Hate scraping ice off the windshield....most especially since I cleaned out my garage on the weekend, but my MIL's car ended up in there instead of mine.
Another beef I have........it's too darned dark in the mornings these days! Really....can't wait until the weekend when we regain an hour!
On that note.....today is the first day of the rest of my life....yeah, old saying, but still so true.
Today....I restart C1 of the 17DD
Today....I'm working out at the gym
Today....I put a BIG dent into the snowdrifts on my desk at the office!
Today....I will drink 3L of water (might have to move my 'puter into the loo, but that's the plan!)
What are you doing today?
Another beef I have........it's too darned dark in the mornings these days! Really....can't wait until the weekend when we regain an hour!
On that note.....today is the first day of the rest of my life....yeah, old saying, but still so true.
Today....I restart C1 of the 17DD
Today....I'm working out at the gym
Today....I put a BIG dent into the snowdrifts on my desk at the office!
Today....I will drink 3L of water (might have to move my 'puter into the loo, but that's the plan!)
What are you doing today?
Monday, October 31, 2011
This post has no title
...couldn't really think of one!
Happy Halloween - though we no longer do anything at our house....all of the kids are too old to go out trick-or-treating....and because of where we live, we never get any little ones ringing the doorbell.....kind of sad, but well, it is what it is.
My workouts were sidelined last week due to stress around tight deadlines at work...I just needed to work more hours to finish some projects. No biggie, but sometimes life does happen, so one does what one has to.....adjust.
My weight - wow, I've been solidly following C2 of the 17DD. This weekend, I did derail and indulged in a bit of alcohol, and some foods that aren't cycle 2 friendly. I'm back on C1 as of Tuesday (November 1st) and my weight has dropped a bit yet again - 1*5*9 on the scale this morning! Woooooot!
That means, that I have kicked 19 lbs to the curb by clean eating for the past 6 months. I've learned that:
1) This way of eating is very much sustainable.
2) Allowing myself to "live" and indulge sometimes is okay.
3) I love going to the gym and pushing myself.
Who knew!?
Happy Halloween - though we no longer do anything at our house....all of the kids are too old to go out trick-or-treating....and because of where we live, we never get any little ones ringing the doorbell.....kind of sad, but well, it is what it is.
My workouts were sidelined last week due to stress around tight deadlines at work...I just needed to work more hours to finish some projects. No biggie, but sometimes life does happen, so one does what one has to.....adjust.
My weight - wow, I've been solidly following C2 of the 17DD. This weekend, I did derail and indulged in a bit of alcohol, and some foods that aren't cycle 2 friendly. I'm back on C1 as of Tuesday (November 1st) and my weight has dropped a bit yet again - 1*5*9 on the scale this morning! Woooooot!
That means, that I have kicked 19 lbs to the curb by clean eating for the past 6 months. I've learned that:
1) This way of eating is very much sustainable.
2) Allowing myself to "live" and indulge sometimes is okay.
3) I love going to the gym and pushing myself.
Who knew!?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I have so much on my plate right now, I feel like I might drown! Seriously........so instead of wallowing in self-pity and getting nothing finished, I'm breaking my weekend into 3's..........yes, 3's!
Three hours......what can you do in three hours?
Here's what's on my "hit list" for the weekend:
Budget for work........this is a brutal exercise that needs to be done each October - yes, October when I should be in Toronto for the Toronto Invasion......a bunch of WW ladies that I know get together and hang out for the weekend.....oh, and generally many of them climb the CN tower while they're in the 'hood! Alright, that's my whine for the day.....I don't want to work, I want to play!
So, the list.....:
Raking leaves and general yard work
Clean out the office
Organize and sort my sewing/craft room
Cut grass and take down the corn stand in the next town
Blog (oops, not on the list!)
9 - noon:
a) Office clean-out - starting oh, in ten minutes when I'm finished here
b) Groceries and general errands (including taking stepson to basketball games at his school)
1-4: Yard work - right after lunch when it's warn and sunny!
Later in the day: Sewing area purge
I think we'll be eating food right off the bbq for dinner, so prep will be short and sweet!
9 - noon:
Laundry and workout at the gym
1-4: Yard work
Later in the day: budget......and finish sewing area purge!
I'm working at home on Monday to finish my budget - no distractions!
Three hours......what can you do in three hours?
Here's what's on my "hit list" for the weekend:
Budget for work........this is a brutal exercise that needs to be done each October - yes, October when I should be in Toronto for the Toronto Invasion......a bunch of WW ladies that I know get together and hang out for the weekend.....oh, and generally many of them climb the CN tower while they're in the 'hood! Alright, that's my whine for the day.....I don't want to work, I want to play!
So, the list.....:
Raking leaves and general yard work
Clean out the office
Organize and sort my sewing/craft room
Cut grass and take down the corn stand in the next town
Blog (oops, not on the list!)
9 - noon:
a) Office clean-out - starting oh, in ten minutes when I'm finished here
b) Groceries and general errands (including taking stepson to basketball games at his school)
1-4: Yard work - right after lunch when it's warn and sunny!
Later in the day: Sewing area purge
I think we'll be eating food right off the bbq for dinner, so prep will be short and sweet!
9 - noon:
Laundry and workout at the gym
1-4: Yard work
Later in the day: budget......and finish sewing area purge!
I'm working at home on Monday to finish my budget - no distractions!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Dreary Wednesday and Some Mind Clutter
I'm in "declutter" mode.....everywhere - at home, at the office.....so why not here too?
I feel like I'm in the middle of a great transition......like standing on the side of a cliff waiting for the next move......not sure whose move, exactly, but I'm standing here, patiently waiting. (no I'm not going to jump off!!!!! but might repel down?)
As I have mentioned before, I have a double life........I am an administrator at a university - I have big shoes to fill....lots of expectations and I find this part of my life very stimulating and satisfying. My alter-ego is a farm-wife/partner........although it's my partner's job to do the actual farming, I do the bookwork, the HR, and marketing for one of our offshoots - the corn/veggie business. While this is a dream come true for me on so many levels, it's quite honestly physically draining..........completely physically draining.....which brings me back to the cliff!
This year, for the first time ever......I can honestly say that I am so completely mentally and physically drained, that I have found it very difficult to come to my office and be productive. I'm doing what needs to be done, but my heart isn't into it. My heart is not into finishing off year-end for the farm(s) and turning the page on that either.
So, that's why I'm decluttering.........I have a lovely pad of paper that two sisters who worked at the veggie stand gave me this summer.....time to take off the wrapper. I'm going to make an office crap list, a farm office crap list, and most importantly a "me" crap list........and throw them off the cliff once I've checked my items off!
Two items that will STAY on my list is my workouts at the gym and eating clean foods....those are NOT going to be purged!
I feel like I'm in the middle of a great transition......like standing on the side of a cliff waiting for the next move......not sure whose move, exactly, but I'm standing here, patiently waiting. (no I'm not going to jump off!!!!! but might repel down?)
As I have mentioned before, I have a double life........I am an administrator at a university - I have big shoes to fill....lots of expectations and I find this part of my life very stimulating and satisfying. My alter-ego is a farm-wife/partner........although it's my partner's job to do the actual farming, I do the bookwork, the HR, and marketing for one of our offshoots - the corn/veggie business. While this is a dream come true for me on so many levels, it's quite honestly physically draining..........completely physically draining.....which brings me back to the cliff!
This year, for the first time ever......I can honestly say that I am so completely mentally and physically drained, that I have found it very difficult to come to my office and be productive. I'm doing what needs to be done, but my heart isn't into it. My heart is not into finishing off year-end for the farm(s) and turning the page on that either.

Two items that will STAY on my list is my workouts at the gym and eating clean foods....those are NOT going to be purged!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Bring on the Sunshine!
So, we tend to take the lovely days of summer, even Indian Summer, for granted. Well, after coming out of 5-6 days of straight dreary, rainy, cold days, this morning's sunshine is so welcome - even if I am in my office!
It makes me feel happy.....it's a hope that I can feel inside.......
Okay, back to the daily grind.
I packed an awesome lunch today - yesterday I pre-made chicken/turkey meatballs so that my DD and I can have them for our supper tonight as well as lunch tomorrow (for me anyway) - the guys are having roast beast, which neither she nor I care much for.
I brought my new awesome pink water bottle into the office today - and will wash out another new one (3-pack!) for the gym tonight.
I went to the gym yesterday and yet again did an incredible leg workout. Tonight after work, my DD and I are going to the gym - I'm dropping her off at her gym, and then going to do a cardio workout at mine.
I'm also going to start writing in my journal again today (see, Miss S, I told you I would!).....and tracking my moods, thoughts and other mind clutter....as well as my food intake.
The scale is stuck.....I have been partially responsible for this because of what went into my face yesterday while at MIL's. Moving on from that.........I am bound and determine to get healthier, feel better, and get stronger!
I want to leave 2011 as the year that "I finally got it!" and I still have some months to go to make that my reality.
Clean eating menu for today:
Coffee w/ 1tsp 1/2-1/2 and 1 tsp sugar (my one indulgence)
B 2 egg with evoo
S yogurt (yes, Miss S, it's FF!) and raspberries
L BAS and chicken meatballs
S celery & 2T hummus
D grilled veggies and more chicken meatballs
Water, water, water, and more water.....going to refill zee bottle right now.
Have an awesome Monday!
It makes me feel happy.....it's a hope that I can feel inside.......
Okay, back to the daily grind.
I packed an awesome lunch today - yesterday I pre-made chicken/turkey meatballs so that my DD and I can have them for our supper tonight as well as lunch tomorrow (for me anyway) - the guys are having roast beast, which neither she nor I care much for.
I brought my new awesome pink water bottle into the office today - and will wash out another new one (3-pack!) for the gym tonight.
I went to the gym yesterday and yet again did an incredible leg workout. Tonight after work, my DD and I are going to the gym - I'm dropping her off at her gym, and then going to do a cardio workout at mine.
I'm also going to start writing in my journal again today (see, Miss S, I told you I would!).....and tracking my moods, thoughts and other mind clutter....as well as my food intake.
The scale is stuck.....I have been partially responsible for this because of what went into my face yesterday while at MIL's. Moving on from that.........I am bound and determine to get healthier, feel better, and get stronger!
I want to leave 2011 as the year that "I finally got it!" and I still have some months to go to make that my reality.
Clean eating menu for today:
Coffee w/ 1tsp 1/2-1/2 and 1 tsp sugar (my one indulgence)
B 2 egg with evoo
S yogurt (yes, Miss S, it's FF!) and raspberries
L BAS and chicken meatballs
S celery & 2T hummus
D grilled veggies and more chicken meatballs
Water, water, water, and more water.....going to refill zee bottle right now.
Have an awesome Monday!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Amazing Leg Workout!!!! ....and the 17DD
Have I told all of you that I love my trainer? She makes working out fun......I laugh, I groan, sometimes I might utter bad words or call her nasty names....but she just R*O*C*K*S!
Yesterday - hmmmmm.....WI at the gym was a STS - guess that part rings true as it was a STS at home too. I can and will do better this week. (note to self - don't eat pizza.....especially not the night before WI).
Depending on how you look at it, I could say that I had the worst leg workout ever yesterday, but honestly, it was amazing! Wickedly challenging, amazing because - I AM GETTING STRONGER! My head was totally in the game yesterday....the bug I'd been getting over the past weeks seems to be gonzo (phew!).....and I was able to push, push, and push!
Felt like a million bucks as I made my way home!
Repeat of the same for me tomorrow!
17DD update - I'm finally on cycle 2 - here's my menu for yesterday and today:
Coffee (my one indulgence or I get a massive headache!)
B – Yogurt, raspberries, banana
S – BAS (big-@ssed salled) with some tuna – part 1
L – part 2 of S1
S – 10 almonds and protien shake (pre-workout)
D – grilled salmon and stir-fried veggies with EVOO
Lots of Water
CoffeeB – 2 eggs, evoo, pico de gallo
S – banana
L – BAS with chicken breast
S – yogurt & berries
D – left-over salmon and veggies
Lots of water again!
I have to find something physical to do today............
Yesterday - hmmmmm.....WI at the gym was a STS - guess that part rings true as it was a STS at home too. I can and will do better this week. (note to self - don't eat pizza.....especially not the night before WI).
Depending on how you look at it, I could say that I had the worst leg workout ever yesterday, but honestly, it was amazing! Wickedly challenging, amazing because - I AM GETTING STRONGER! My head was totally in the game yesterday....the bug I'd been getting over the past weeks seems to be gonzo (phew!).....and I was able to push, push, and push!
Felt like a million bucks as I made my way home!
Repeat of the same for me tomorrow!
17DD update - I'm finally on cycle 2 - here's my menu for yesterday and today:
Coffee (my one indulgence or I get a massive headache!)
B – Yogurt, raspberries, banana
S – BAS (big-@ssed salled) with some tuna – part 1
L – part 2 of S1
S – 10 almonds and protien shake (pre-workout)
D – grilled salmon and stir-fried veggies with EVOO
Lots of Water
CoffeeB – 2 eggs, evoo, pico de gallo
S – banana
L – BAS with chicken breast
S – yogurt & berries
D – left-over salmon and veggies
Lots of water again!
I have to find something physical to do today............
Monday, October 10, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving....and a bit of mind clutter!
You know when you weigh yourself regularly and see the number on the scale slowly go down? Great, right? A fantastic feeling of accomplishment, reinforcement..........so, my home scale says 160.......six or seven months ago, it said 178 (or maybe even a bit more).....THAT was NOT great.
So, as I said, I'm back at the gym, watching what I eat, making wise choices for what goes into my mouth........and feeling like I'm wrestling back to being in control. Again, great. HOWEVER, with this new challenge I'm doing at the gym, I weigh in there on Tuesdays after work..........what I HATE is that this particular scale says 167.2. I know, weight fluctuates from morning to afternoon. I know that one scale won't necessarily say the same thing as the other. I also know that weighing nekkie first thing in the morning vs. at the end of a day sitting at my desk will skew things as well.......but it makes me sad......
So I'm turning the sad into mad and am going to make my gym scale go down.....down, down, and down some more.......not just the number that it says that I weight, but also the body fat index.......which is also NOT my friend.....yet, anyway.
So, turning negative energy into something positive is my focus for October!.....well, that and takin' the scales DOWN!
It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada today......I'm at my office, trying to catch up on things....and taking a few moments for myself as well. Saturday was my daughter's 21st birthday celebration at our house - I cooked all day......it was great fun! Yesterday, we celebrated the end of harvest with our farm workers.....amen to the end of most of the farm work for this season.
I'm thankful for my kids (all of my kids!), I'm thankful for my health, and I'm very thankful for my DSO. I'm grateful every day that I live on a farm in one of the most beautiful parts of the country......and that this country we live in is nurturing and caring.
Happy Thanksgiving!
So, as I said, I'm back at the gym, watching what I eat, making wise choices for what goes into my mouth........and feeling like I'm wrestling back to being in control. Again, great. HOWEVER, with this new challenge I'm doing at the gym, I weigh in there on Tuesdays after work..........what I HATE is that this particular scale says 167.2. I know, weight fluctuates from morning to afternoon. I know that one scale won't necessarily say the same thing as the other. I also know that weighing nekkie first thing in the morning vs. at the end of a day sitting at my desk will skew things as well.......but it makes me sad......
So I'm turning the sad into mad and am going to make my gym scale go down.....down, down, and down some more.......not just the number that it says that I weight, but also the body fat index.......which is also NOT my friend.....yet, anyway.
So, turning negative energy into something positive is my focus for October!.....well, that and takin' the scales DOWN!
It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada today......I'm at my office, trying to catch up on things....and taking a few moments for myself as well. Saturday was my daughter's 21st birthday celebration at our house - I cooked all day......it was great fun! Yesterday, we celebrated the end of harvest with our farm workers.....amen to the end of most of the farm work for this season.
I'm thankful for my kids (all of my kids!), I'm thankful for my health, and I'm very thankful for my DSO. I'm grateful every day that I live on a farm in one of the most beautiful parts of the country......and that this country we live in is nurturing and caring.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Life is turning an amazing corner
Just had to share! I have a plan! I have a goal! I have found some motivation! Now, onto the execution portion ......
Strangely enough, my trainer, who as you already may have figured out that I absolutely adore, has decided to run a challenge for her clients......did I ask for this? Nope. Did she read my mind - apparently YES!
I have a very strict, but inclusive diet to follow - all clean eating, which my body LOVES!
I have a commitment to hit the gym 3 times per week and have her kick my backside!
I have a commitment to do something physical 3 other days per week for at least an hour.....oh, and my youngest daughter who will be on this journey with me!
I'm feeling strong!
I'm feeling in control!
Awesome.....considering how dreary, cool and wet it is outside of my window at the office!
I have goals! One for my birthday in November, one for my DSO's birthday in December, and one for the holidays. Watch out world.............! I'm ready, are you?
Strangely enough, my trainer, who as you already may have figured out that I absolutely adore, has decided to run a challenge for her clients......did I ask for this? Nope. Did she read my mind - apparently YES!
I have a very strict, but inclusive diet to follow - all clean eating, which my body LOVES!
I have a commitment to hit the gym 3 times per week and have her kick my backside!
I have a commitment to do something physical 3 other days per week for at least an hour.....oh, and my youngest daughter who will be on this journey with me!
I'm feeling strong!
I'm feeling in control!
Awesome.....considering how dreary, cool and wet it is outside of my window at the office!
I have goals! One for my birthday in November, one for my DSO's birthday in December, and one for the holidays. Watch out world.............! I'm ready, are you?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Gym + Awesome Trainer = Support = Success
Reboot T*O*D*A*Y after work.
Farm season for me is pretty much wound up.......:)
Trainer's vacation is wound up.......:)
So here's to starting the fall on the right foot - GYM!
Reboot T*O*D*A*Y after work.
Farm season for me is pretty much wound up.......:)
Trainer's vacation is wound up.......:)
So here's to starting the fall on the right foot - GYM!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Fall!
I had a great morning this morning - I'm getting over a bug - part flu, part cold......basically congestion central is all that's left now. I woke up happy this morning! Happy that the weather is now cooler (though frustrated because I need to go through my closet as what I could wear last winter/early spring at 170-something lbs most of it doesn't fit me any more. Great, right? Yes, but the problem is two fold: 1. my clothes hang off me, so I cant' wear them to work.......2. I'm not "done"yet, so I'm not going to go shopping because I refuse to pay good money for "in between" clothing. So I guess it means I'm going to be wearing the same few skirts and two pairs of slacks for the next weeks.......
My birthday is in early November - guess I'll be asking for clothing gift cards for my birthday! That's exactly 7 weeks from today - I know I can drop yet another size by then :)!
Happy: another reason - my trainer comes back from her vaca next week so I start working out with her again three times a week ... I felt so good in the summer when I was consistently working out with her and am looking forward to that feeling returning!
Happy: harvest is almost over! No frost in the forecast right now........tobacco (yes, my hubby still grows tobacco) season continues.....I think 8 more harvest days left. Corn season wrapped up already, tyvm, and pepper season will wrap up as soon as we have a frost.
Happy: year-end bookwork almost finished and then I can basically unplug from the farm for the next months - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, will definitely need to celebrate that one! Should be able to finish it all up over the weekend!
Happy: going on a vacation to Europe in late November.......hubby hasn't been back "home" since 1994, so we're headed to Portugal....and as we'll be in the neighborhood, we'll likely visit Spain and France! CANNOT WAIT!
Happy: work is crazy, but it's so stimulating I'm loving every minute of it!
Happy: TGIF! Woot!
Happy: um, hubby noticed my weight loss this morning - now that is something to celebrate!
My birthday is in early November - guess I'll be asking for clothing gift cards for my birthday! That's exactly 7 weeks from today - I know I can drop yet another size by then :)!
Happy: another reason - my trainer comes back from her vaca next week so I start working out with her again three times a week ... I felt so good in the summer when I was consistently working out with her and am looking forward to that feeling returning!
Happy: harvest is almost over! No frost in the forecast right now........tobacco (yes, my hubby still grows tobacco) season continues.....I think 8 more harvest days left. Corn season wrapped up already, tyvm, and pepper season will wrap up as soon as we have a frost.
Happy: year-end bookwork almost finished and then I can basically unplug from the farm for the next months - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, will definitely need to celebrate that one! Should be able to finish it all up over the weekend!
Happy: going on a vacation to Europe in late November.......hubby hasn't been back "home" since 1994, so we're headed to Portugal....and as we'll be in the neighborhood, we'll likely visit Spain and France! CANNOT WAIT!
Happy: work is crazy, but it's so stimulating I'm loving every minute of it!
Happy: TGIF! Woot!
Happy: um, hubby noticed my weight loss this morning - now that is something to celebrate!
Monday, September 12, 2011
I'm finally on the "other" side!
Corn season is finally OVER! Amen to that!
That's not to say that craziness on the farm is over with yet - um, no, the madness continues, but it's not technically all MY madness! DSO on the other hand...well.....
Me, I'm back on the 17DD as of today:
WUD (wake-up drink)
B: 2 eggs, evoo, pico de gallo
Green tea
S: yogurt & raspberries
L: BAS with tuna (big*ss salad)
S: celery & green peppers
D: chicken or turkey burger and steamed veggies or another salad
Lots of water
Going back to the gym on Thursday.
.....and next week, I am going to try C25K again....doc and trainer think it's a good idea to try again - but I've been warmed that I may need to repeat a few weeks if my joints start talking back to me. So stay tuned on that!
Have a great Monday!
That's not to say that craziness on the farm is over with yet - um, no, the madness continues, but it's not technically all MY madness! DSO on the other hand...well.....
Me, I'm back on the 17DD as of today:
WUD (wake-up drink)
B: 2 eggs, evoo, pico de gallo
Green tea
S: yogurt & raspberries
L: BAS with tuna (big*ss salad)
S: celery & green peppers
D: chicken or turkey burger and steamed veggies or another salad
Lots of water
Going back to the gym on Thursday.
.....and next week, I am going to try C25K again....doc and trainer think it's a good idea to try again - but I've been warmed that I may need to repeat a few weeks if my joints start talking back to me. So stay tuned on that!
Have a great Monday!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I'm baaaaack!
Well, although corn season isn't quite wrapped up for this year, we are closing down on Sunday.....which leaves us 4 business day only! We had to take a break yesterday and today because we're finally running out of corn! Running out is a treat.......it means we've sold a LOT!
So, about me. Who am? Heck, right now I'm so pulled in too many directions, with work, farm, kids returning to school......yes, honestly I am overwhelmed. That's it. Overwhelmed.
Being overwhelmed often leads to no planning, no groceries, and well, no success in the weight-loss area.
Just popping in here today so that I can start returning my life back on track and being accountable. Writing this blog keeps me grounded in so many ways......and I need to make time to find balance again.
What I have done so far......
1. Focusing on clean eating where possible.
2. Plan on restarting 17DD next Monday
3. Have booked training sessions with my trainer starting Sept 17 - she is then away for 10 days, so we will get back to regular sessions in late September.
4. C25K - I've been given the go-ahead from doc and trainer to go ahead and start - with warnings to repeat weeks if needed - I'm very pumped about this! I*WANT*TO*RUN!
So for now......I'm ramping up water, looking forward to the end of corn season and keeping my head down at work and working through the beginning of a new academic year.
Bondi Band Give-Away!!!!!! Hey folks, please visit my friend Syl's blog - she's sharing her love of running with all of her friends!
So, about me. Who am? Heck, right now I'm so pulled in too many directions, with work, farm, kids returning to school......yes, honestly I am overwhelmed. That's it. Overwhelmed.
Being overwhelmed often leads to no planning, no groceries, and well, no success in the weight-loss area.
Just popping in here today so that I can start returning my life back on track and being accountable. Writing this blog keeps me grounded in so many ways......and I need to make time to find balance again.
What I have done so far......
1. Focusing on clean eating where possible.
2. Plan on restarting 17DD next Monday
3. Have booked training sessions with my trainer starting Sept 17 - she is then away for 10 days, so we will get back to regular sessions in late September.
4. C25K - I've been given the go-ahead from doc and trainer to go ahead and start - with warnings to repeat weeks if needed - I'm very pumped about this! I*WANT*TO*RUN!
So for now......I'm ramping up water, looking forward to the end of corn season and keeping my head down at work and working through the beginning of a new academic year.
Bondi Band Give-Away!!!!!! Hey folks, please visit my friend Syl's blog - she's sharing her love of running with all of her friends!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Good....and The Uglies!
So, this morning I was trying to get dressed for work.....and decided to try a few things on - things that didn't fit me a few months ago.
What I've recently noticed is that my belly is big........I'm thinking that my shorts and skirts all fit well, actually, they're all getting a bit loose on me......so why is my belly looking the way it does? I know I've been off program and not been to the gym in 3 weeks, so I'm scared...really scared....that I've gained some weight back. Scale says STS, so nope, that's not it.
Hmmmmm.........so I got out the handy-dandy tape measure and voilà! I've lost an inch off my ribcage and an inch of my waist.......any my belly looks bigger?
Well, mystery solved......I've lost inches! everwhere BUT my belly......so it's just another one of those "ugly duckling" stages that is going to help drive me to my end destination - back to the gym I go tomorrow, back to tracking food intake as well.
I'm not going to get mad about this, I'm just going to get EVEN! (losing more inches and more weight and getting healthier will do that!)
What I've recently noticed is that my belly is big........I'm thinking that my shorts and skirts all fit well, actually, they're all getting a bit loose on me......so why is my belly looking the way it does? I know I've been off program and not been to the gym in 3 weeks, so I'm scared...really scared....that I've gained some weight back. Scale says STS, so nope, that's not it.
Hmmmmm.........so I got out the handy-dandy tape measure and voilà! I've lost an inch off my ribcage and an inch of my waist.......any my belly looks bigger?
Well, mystery solved......I've lost inches! everwhere BUT my belly......so it's just another one of those "ugly duckling" stages that is going to help drive me to my end destination - back to the gym I go tomorrow, back to tracking food intake as well.
I'm not going to get mad about this, I'm just going to get EVEN! (losing more inches and more weight and getting healthier will do that!)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My blog is broken?!
I've tried, repeatedly to post on my blog - or to put a response one of the ones I follow - it's not working!
How frustrating, that now, when I finally seem to have myself mentally in the right headspace and am working up to being physically active (formally at the gym), and tracking my food intake, and start losing weight again - well, here's one more attempt!
Being back at work full-time while our corn business is humming is so very difficult - time management skills of the Gods are required to balance everything and I seem to have forgotten about taking care of me (now there's a surprise - seem like this happens every single year!)
So, had a BIG (stressfully BIG) meeting at work yesterday that I was just dreading - a finance meeting. So after months of preventative worrying, hours and hours of prep work, it went off without a hitch, and I can't tell you how great it feels to have it behind me!
Time now to refocus on me - going back to the gym on Friday (hopefully more than just Friday, but have to start somewhere) and working with my trainer......back on the 17DD on Friday when I have a few minutes to clean out the fridge and restock, and time to figure out how to destress at the end of the day.
I seem to also be having problems posting on some blogs I follow, so I hope you folks see this!
Sunshinemama - I just love groovin' to the music in the kitchen - that speaks volumes to the fact that your mind is in a good place! Keep up the great work!
Leanne - awesome news about your doctor's note - so happy to see how strong you are feeling and here's hoping that Friday's tests will be over without too much stress on you and come back with great results!
Marcy - you never cease to impress me with your dedication to working out! I want to be you when I grow up!
How frustrating, that now, when I finally seem to have myself mentally in the right headspace and am working up to being physically active (formally at the gym), and tracking my food intake, and start losing weight again - well, here's one more attempt!
Being back at work full-time while our corn business is humming is so very difficult - time management skills of the Gods are required to balance everything and I seem to have forgotten about taking care of me (now there's a surprise - seem like this happens every single year!)
So, had a BIG (stressfully BIG) meeting at work yesterday that I was just dreading - a finance meeting. So after months of preventative worrying, hours and hours of prep work, it went off without a hitch, and I can't tell you how great it feels to have it behind me!
Time now to refocus on me - going back to the gym on Friday (hopefully more than just Friday, but have to start somewhere) and working with my trainer......back on the 17DD on Friday when I have a few minutes to clean out the fridge and restock, and time to figure out how to destress at the end of the day.
I seem to also be having problems posting on some blogs I follow, so I hope you folks see this!
Sunshinemama - I just love groovin' to the music in the kitchen - that speaks volumes to the fact that your mind is in a good place! Keep up the great work!
Leanne - awesome news about your doctor's note - so happy to see how strong you are feeling and here's hoping that Friday's tests will be over without too much stress on you and come back with great results!
Marcy - you never cease to impress me with your dedication to working out! I want to be you when I grow up!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Why I've been MIA!
Hi folks - it's corn season for us on the farm once again - here's what I've been up to:
I'll be back posting here in mid September once corn season is over!
I'll be back posting here in mid September once corn season is over!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
How could I have forgotten to post here yesterday?
I have something serious to celebrate - really!
I AM NO LONGER OVERWEIGHT! My BMI is now 24.9!!!!!!
Yes, I know, it's just barely in the "normal" range, but IT'S IN THE NORMAL RANGE!
I'm smiling!
I have something serious to celebrate - really!
I AM NO LONGER OVERWEIGHT! My BMI is now 24.9!!!!!!
Yes, I know, it's just barely in the "normal" range, but IT'S IN THE NORMAL RANGE!
I'm smiling!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
That's today's word!
I woke up refreshed - amazing!
I did an hour of gardening (mostly watering and dead-heading plants) at 6:30 this morning - it was so cool in the garden and birds were singing - amazing!
I packed a perfect 17DD lunch and added my pre-workout snack (veggies & hummus) - amazing!
I feel awesome - more amazing!
Most amazing to me - I've been working out consistently for 5 weeks now and can truely see differences in my body - it's stronger, it's alive! AMAZING!
For some reason, I still cannot post on anyone's blogs....very strange!????
Just want folks to know that I'm not ignoring you, I just can't post on your blogs!
Marcy - still can't post!?
I woke up refreshed - amazing!
I did an hour of gardening (mostly watering and dead-heading plants) at 6:30 this morning - it was so cool in the garden and birds were singing - amazing!
I packed a perfect 17DD lunch and added my pre-workout snack (veggies & hummus) - amazing!
I feel awesome - more amazing!
Most amazing to me - I've been working out consistently for 5 weeks now and can truely see differences in my body - it's stronger, it's alive! AMAZING!
For some reason, I still cannot post on anyone's blogs....very strange!????
Just want folks to know that I'm not ignoring you, I just can't post on your blogs!
Marcy - still can't post!?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Finally the middle of the week! Nice!!!!!!
Still have problems with posting on other folks' blogs - not sure why....
Leanne: hope you see this - I'm so happy to see that you're active again - which must mean you're healing and finally starting to feel like "you" again - wonderful news - praying that this sticks this time!
Marcelle: Day 2 for me was strong - actually 100% bang on! Nuts are my go-to as well if I am neither hungry or don't have a lot of time......okay, so it's not exactly C1, but whatever, it is included in clean eating!
Today's food all planned.
Workout with my trainer last night rocked - all legs, legs, and more legs......holy cow! LOVE how they feel, starting to love how they look! Now can I have of that feeling/love for my mid section? I know, I know, patience, it will catch up eventually!
Still have problems with posting on other folks' blogs - not sure why....
Leanne: hope you see this - I'm so happy to see that you're active again - which must mean you're healing and finally starting to feel like "you" again - wonderful news - praying that this sticks this time!
Marcelle: Day 2 for me was strong - actually 100% bang on! Nuts are my go-to as well if I am neither hungry or don't have a lot of time......okay, so it's not exactly C1, but whatever, it is included in clean eating!
Today's food all planned.
Workout with my trainer last night rocked - all legs, legs, and more legs......holy cow! LOVE how they feel, starting to love how they look! Now can I have of that feeling/love for my mid section? I know, I know, patience, it will catch up eventually!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
For some reason, I cannot add comments to any of my fave blogs today.
One comment I felt I wanted to make was to Marcelle: I don't think there's any "right way" to do the 17DD - no carbs, 2 probiotics, clean eating is the bottom line and you did great on day 1!
I'm right here with you on day 2.....and will be working out with my trainer after work today!
Stay tuned....new me is under construction! So far, I'm lovin' the journey - FINALLY!
One comment I felt I wanted to make was to Marcelle: I don't think there's any "right way" to do the 17DD - no carbs, 2 probiotics, clean eating is the bottom line and you did great on day 1!
I'm right here with you on day 2.....and will be working out with my trainer after work today!
Stay tuned....new me is under construction! So far, I'm lovin' the journey - FINALLY!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Today's Blog: ALMOST!
ALMOST is a great word!
For instance - I'm ALMOST no longer overweight! How cool is that! My BMI as of today is 25.1 - almost NORMAL!!!!!!
I'm ALMOST ready to start C25K - still working through some leg strenthening exercises with my trainer and working on my ankles this week - for some reason they have been bugging me a bit the past few weeks and we're looking at what needs to be done to strengthen them.
I had an awesome return to work this morning - other than the yelling and screaming part (that was me when the alarm went off this morning!).......more than one person told me how awesome I was looking and that I had lost so much weight!
Well, in fact, weight has decreased a little......but working out consistently and often has made such awesome changes to my body that it's now very evident! Back b**bs are gone! Muffin middle, ALMOST gone (there's that word again!)........and I'm feeling awesome!
So, have a fabulous week, month, whatever.....
I'm ALMOST back on the road I want to be on......just gearing back mentally into work mode and then I'll be bang on!
Clean eating is making me feel like a million bucks - adding formal workouts in 3-5 per week has just made me feel that much better!
For instance - I'm ALMOST no longer overweight! How cool is that! My BMI as of today is 25.1 - almost NORMAL!!!!!!
I'm ALMOST ready to start C25K - still working through some leg strenthening exercises with my trainer and working on my ankles this week - for some reason they have been bugging me a bit the past few weeks and we're looking at what needs to be done to strengthen them.
I had an awesome return to work this morning - other than the yelling and screaming part (that was me when the alarm went off this morning!).......more than one person told me how awesome I was looking and that I had lost so much weight!
Well, in fact, weight has decreased a little......but working out consistently and often has made such awesome changes to my body that it's now very evident! Back b**bs are gone! Muffin middle, ALMOST gone (there's that word again!)........and I'm feeling awesome!
So, have a fabulous week, month, whatever.....
I'm ALMOST back on the road I want to be on......just gearing back mentally into work mode and then I'll be bang on!
Clean eating is making me feel like a million bucks - adding formal workouts in 3-5 per week has just made me feel that much better!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Happy Hump Day!
It's Wednesday.
It's dreary.
I have a gazillion things to accomplish before I leave work on Friday - FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS! YAY on that one!
Eating is bang on!
Training with trainer yesterday was all legs and abs - again! Love this woman's sense of humour!
Water consumption - also bang on.
New shed in the pool yard has been built - now just to put landscaping back in/and around it. Did 2 hours last night, still have so much more work to do, but I just love it!
Work continues to be heeeellllllll - oh, right I mentioned that already.
Rings slipped on my finger today - first time in a very long time and a VERY good sign!
Have an awesome day!
It's dreary.
I have a gazillion things to accomplish before I leave work on Friday - FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS! YAY on that one!
Eating is bang on!
Training with trainer yesterday was all legs and abs - again! Love this woman's sense of humour!
Water consumption - also bang on.
New shed in the pool yard has been built - now just to put landscaping back in/and around it. Did 2 hours last night, still have so much more work to do, but I just love it!
Work continues to be heeeellllllll - oh, right I mentioned that already.
Rings slipped on my finger today - first time in a very long time and a VERY good sign!
Have an awesome day!
Monday, June 20, 2011
So, it's been a while
Almost a month since my last post - hmmmmm....NOT good!
Lots has been going on - work is continuing to be a challenge......but I'm working on me as well!
167 lbs - still holding on to the weight I lost on 17DD
Rebooted 17DD several times over the last few weeks - and have been relatively bang on with WW if not on 17DD......and am maintaining.
Who am I kidding! I NEED to move the rest of this weight off this body of mine.....on that note; I took some very quick measurements this morning - I've lost 1/2" off both my rib cage and my waist! Progress.......
So, last Thursday - met with my trainer, have a wicked training schedule for the next month - which brings me right up when corn season starts and my second full-time job goes into action.
My trainer has also given me an awesome diet to follow - go figure, it's almost 17DD to a "T"! I'm going to follow it for the next 14 days (today is day 1). I have a few hurdles to get over - I'm driving to visit my parents about 5 hours away and then on to Montreal to visit my BFF for two days......so June 30th - train with my trainer first thing in the morning - drive to my parents. July 2nd - go to the gym in Montreal with my BFF! July 4th - back with my trainer here in London. NOT GOING TO MISS A BEAT! My girlfriend is following WW, so we have some awesome food ideas planned - and for the first time when I go home (Montreal is home for those who don't know me well), I'm not going to indulge in the local favourites at all.
I feel good, but am stressed - clean eating and working out will help me over the hump.....
I have two weeks off work as of this coming Friday and have all sorts of house things to take care of - some of them will involve painting!
Lots has been going on - work is continuing to be a challenge......but I'm working on me as well!
167 lbs - still holding on to the weight I lost on 17DD
Rebooted 17DD several times over the last few weeks - and have been relatively bang on with WW if not on 17DD......and am maintaining.
Who am I kidding! I NEED to move the rest of this weight off this body of mine.....on that note; I took some very quick measurements this morning - I've lost 1/2" off both my rib cage and my waist! Progress.......
So, last Thursday - met with my trainer, have a wicked training schedule for the next month - which brings me right up when corn season starts and my second full-time job goes into action.
My trainer has also given me an awesome diet to follow - go figure, it's almost 17DD to a "T"! I'm going to follow it for the next 14 days (today is day 1). I have a few hurdles to get over - I'm driving to visit my parents about 5 hours away and then on to Montreal to visit my BFF for two days......so June 30th - train with my trainer first thing in the morning - drive to my parents. July 2nd - go to the gym in Montreal with my BFF! July 4th - back with my trainer here in London. NOT GOING TO MISS A BEAT! My girlfriend is following WW, so we have some awesome food ideas planned - and for the first time when I go home (Montreal is home for those who don't know me well), I'm not going to indulge in the local favourites at all.
I feel good, but am stressed - clean eating and working out will help me over the hump.....
I have two weeks off work as of this coming Friday and have all sorts of house things to take care of - some of them will involve painting!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Dear Mother Nature - I think I might have to change the name of my blog to Storm Cloud or something similar.
Do you no sympathy for us farmers?
Do you really think that we really need eleventy-million inches of rain.......every day?
Perhaps you are telling us it's time for a career change? Ark building perhaps?
Seriously? WOW
Do you no sympathy for us farmers?
Do you really think that we really need eleventy-million inches of rain.......every day?
Perhaps you are telling us it's time for a career change? Ark building perhaps?
Seriously? WOW
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
One Day Down, the Rest of My Life to Follow.....
......Had a great food/water/activity day yesterday.
......Will have the same again today......which will make it two days.
Workout with my trainer tonight - I feel so completely awesome when I leave the gym - that is when the wobbly legs stop!
We're having a bonfire at home tonight - this I promise to take photos of......the local volunteer fire department is coming to burn one of our HUGE burn piles on the farm....a training exercise for them. Not likely to roast weenies or make smores; however, there will be a few "hot" firemen at my house - LOL!
Have an awesome day!
......Will have the same again today......which will make it two days.
Workout with my trainer tonight - I feel so completely awesome when I leave the gym - that is when the wobbly legs stop!
We're having a bonfire at home tonight - this I promise to take photos of......the local volunteer fire department is coming to burn one of our HUGE burn piles on the farm....a training exercise for them. Not likely to roast weenies or make smores; however, there will be a few "hot" firemen at my house - LOL!
Have an awesome day!
Monday, May 16, 2011
More Monday Madness!
Anyone have an ark? I am so fed up with all of this rain....but I am very thankful that it's nowhere near as bad as it is for so many other folks out there - in the West, in the East and in the States.
I had heard a rumour that it's going to be a wickedly hot and dry summer.......all I can say is "bring it on!"
Had a difficult emotional weekend and turned to carbs....so way off my 17DD plan. I decided to go to my WW tracker and track the damage anyway, and guess what? I'm a-Okay per WW's guidelines - got all of my Healthy Guidelines met, was within my points (okay so I ate all my APs and FPs - have 2 FPs left - good thing I worked out a lot last week!), and my water was stellar too.
Things I've learned - or reconfirmed, I guess would be a better way of putting it - I feel physically better when I eat few or no carbs. I feel better when I eat clean foods......and so much so that I am sometimes tempted to shout it from the rooftops!?
Back on the 17DD this morning - looking forward to the bloat from the carbs to leave the building.
Happy Monday!
I had heard a rumour that it's going to be a wickedly hot and dry summer.......all I can say is "bring it on!"
Had a difficult emotional weekend and turned to carbs....so way off my 17DD plan. I decided to go to my WW tracker and track the damage anyway, and guess what? I'm a-Okay per WW's guidelines - got all of my Healthy Guidelines met, was within my points (okay so I ate all my APs and FPs - have 2 FPs left - good thing I worked out a lot last week!), and my water was stellar too.
Things I've learned - or reconfirmed, I guess would be a better way of putting it - I feel physically better when I eat few or no carbs. I feel better when I eat clean foods......and so much so that I am sometimes tempted to shout it from the rooftops!?
Back on the 17DD this morning - looking forward to the bloat from the carbs to leave the building.
Happy Monday!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday Madness!
Okay, so work is a little stressful right now....that's an understatement! So please forgive me if I don't get on here very often.....
Worked out with the trainer again on Thursday last week - wow! More squats, more core......and I did the same routine at home yesterday. Thankfully, my new trainer listens! She has been doing workouts with equipment that I have at home, so I CAN add in at least one extra workout at home.
Two of our children have moved into their own homes now, so I now have a "guest" room. I've been reorganizing that extra room so it not only houses the extra bed, but also houses my exercise stuff - stability ball, bosu ball, bands, yoga mat. I've been making a shopping list....need a mirror to mount on the wall.......oh, and note to self - move the hand weights in there will you!?
Our magnificient Magnolia tree is almost in full bloom - I'm going to make a point of taking some photos of it this evening so I can share them with you. With all of the awful weather we've been having this spring, it's nice to see that Mother Nature doesn't plan on freezing the blooms off as she does so many year!
Happy Monday!
Worked out with the trainer again on Thursday last week - wow! More squats, more core......and I did the same routine at home yesterday. Thankfully, my new trainer listens! She has been doing workouts with equipment that I have at home, so I CAN add in at least one extra workout at home.
Two of our children have moved into their own homes now, so I now have a "guest" room. I've been reorganizing that extra room so it not only houses the extra bed, but also houses my exercise stuff - stability ball, bosu ball, bands, yoga mat. I've been making a shopping list....need a mirror to mount on the wall.......oh, and note to self - move the hand weights in there will you!?
Our magnificient Magnolia tree is almost in full bloom - I'm going to make a point of taking some photos of it this evening so I can share them with you. With all of the awful weather we've been having this spring, it's nice to see that Mother Nature doesn't plan on freezing the blooms off as she does so many year!
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I'm 50.
In the past month, I've learned that a mother of one of my daughter's friends, who is 10 years younger them me, just had breast cancer surgery. Then on Friday last week, a former co-worker, who is 5 years younger than me, was diagnosed with breast cancer. And the news keeps coming - yesterday, a local lady who runs a crew that picks our peppers on the farm called DSO to let him know that she's won't be back this year as she's in late-stage pancreatic cancer and has less than a month to live.
WOW........really puts things into perspective - I am so lucky to be 50 and have my health.
It's time to take charge of my life - I had been making significant changes to my diet and re-embracing formal workouts. I'm now taking my total lifestyle changes and making them priority 1 in my life - going to keep focused, keep the promises I've made to myself and make these changes PERMANENT.
On that note - my first workout with my trainer was last night - incredible. Squats.....and core.......lots and lots of core. Reps and sets.....to the point where I could do no more.....thought I'd worked too hard when I finished last night. I've discovered this morning that I'm a little sore, but nowhere near the point I thought I would be. I'm very encouraged because apparently, my core is a lot stronger than I gave it credit for! My workout was awesome.
Other changes I've noticed have stuck:
1. When I get home from work I no longer feel the need to graze my way through the kitchen.
2. I've been eating a great breakfast at home every morning and I feel great because of it.
3. Limiting carbs has given me renewed energy (clean eating à la 17 DD)
4. I don't struggle to fill my lunch bag with lunch and snacks each and every day at work - my wallet is thankful and so is my waistline.
That's me, putting my life into perspective........
In the past month, I've learned that a mother of one of my daughter's friends, who is 10 years younger them me, just had breast cancer surgery. Then on Friday last week, a former co-worker, who is 5 years younger than me, was diagnosed with breast cancer. And the news keeps coming - yesterday, a local lady who runs a crew that picks our peppers on the farm called DSO to let him know that she's won't be back this year as she's in late-stage pancreatic cancer and has less than a month to live.
WOW........really puts things into perspective - I am so lucky to be 50 and have my health.
It's time to take charge of my life - I had been making significant changes to my diet and re-embracing formal workouts. I'm now taking my total lifestyle changes and making them priority 1 in my life - going to keep focused, keep the promises I've made to myself and make these changes PERMANENT.
On that note - my first workout with my trainer was last night - incredible. Squats.....and core.......lots and lots of core. Reps and sets.....to the point where I could do no more.....thought I'd worked too hard when I finished last night. I've discovered this morning that I'm a little sore, but nowhere near the point I thought I would be. I'm very encouraged because apparently, my core is a lot stronger than I gave it credit for! My workout was awesome.
Other changes I've noticed have stuck:
1. When I get home from work I no longer feel the need to graze my way through the kitchen.
2. I've been eating a great breakfast at home every morning and I feel great because of it.
3. Limiting carbs has given me renewed energy (clean eating à la 17 DD)
4. I don't struggle to fill my lunch bag with lunch and snacks each and every day at work - my wallet is thankful and so is my waistline.
That's me, putting my life into perspective........
Monday, May 2, 2011
Beginning of the week - the start of new things
1. Today is the first Monday in May
2. Today I restarted the 17DD Cycle 1 - because I feel great when I follow this eating program (and bonus - I lose weight).
3. I'm down yet another lb this week yet again.
4. The sun is peeking out.
5. I get my first full-body workouts this week with my new trainer.
6. I'm having a hairitude adjustment after work on Wednesday.
7. My greenhouse is popping and my first set of plants are ready to be transplanted (after work today I think).
8. I can pull out my mower and ride around like a made woman (as opposed to shovelling snow).
9. One of my fave pairs of dress pants are TOO BIG! That makes two pairs in two weeks! YAY!
10. Because of #9, likely later this week, I'll be able to comfortably wear my summer capris!
I feel great!
1. Today is the first Monday in May
2. Today I restarted the 17DD Cycle 1 - because I feel great when I follow this eating program (and bonus - I lose weight).
3. I'm down yet another lb this week yet again.
4. The sun is peeking out.
5. I get my first full-body workouts this week with my new trainer.
6. I'm having a hairitude adjustment after work on Wednesday.
7. My greenhouse is popping and my first set of plants are ready to be transplanted (after work today I think).
8. I can pull out my mower and ride around like a made woman (as opposed to shovelling snow).
9. One of my fave pairs of dress pants are TOO BIG! That makes two pairs in two weeks! YAY!
10. Because of #9, likely later this week, I'll be able to comfortably wear my summer capris!
I feel great!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Where's the sun?
Okay, so finally Mother Nature put away her tricks - so I thought. We had a beautiful weekend.
Forecast: rain, rain, rain, and rain.
My partner is more than a little frustrated - our first planting of corn is to go into the field this week - he can't even get the equipment in there because of last week's rain.
I have a feeling - like weight loss and finding time for one's self, this year's farm season is going to be a challenge.
......my thoughts on that? BRING*IT*ON.....we CAN do this!
PS - scale said 169 this morning! FINALLY out of the 170s!
Forecast: rain, rain, rain, and rain.
My partner is more than a little frustrated - our first planting of corn is to go into the field this week - he can't even get the equipment in there because of last week's rain.
I have a feeling - like weight loss and finding time for one's self, this year's farm season is going to be a challenge.
......my thoughts on that? BRING*IT*ON.....we CAN do this!
PS - scale said 169 this morning! FINALLY out of the 170s!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Mother Nature is yanking our chain....
Bottom line - she's crazy....she cannot make up her mind..... I'm NOT impressed!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
17DD Cycle 1 Wrap Up
I did it, finally finished Cycle 1....all 17 days of it. I'm down 7.9 lbs to 170.2. I'm down 8.5 inches. I cannot tell you how happy I was to make my first oatmeal for breakfast this morning! Bring on Cycle 2! I'm also wearing a smaller pair of slacks today - size 10s! It's awesome being able to "shop" in my closet for "new" clothes....and I'm feeling great!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Feeling Groovy!
I feel great! 1. 17DD, Cycle 1, Day 17 - last day on cycle 1 has finally arrived. -7.2 lbs so far, and -8.5 inches, stay tuned for final WI and measurements tomorrow. Then onto cycle 2. 2. Hired a trainer to work with me at the gym - stay tuned on that one!
Friday, April 8, 2011
17DD - Cycle 1, Day 12
So, quick fly-by post. But I wanted to let you know that I'm sticking with it! I'm down 7 lbs (since Monday - holding steady).....and I took my measurements again this morning: Bust -1.5" Rib cage -1" Waist -2" Hips -1" Butt -2.5" Energy levels are awesome. Sleeping so very, very well. More later
Monday, April 4, 2011
Okay, so it's not spring yet.
Derailed.....clouds moved in and it SNOWED?! Seriously - and the morning was absolutely gorgeous and out of nowhere, snow, then thundersnow, then rain, rain, and more rain. Whatever...I've given up trying to figure out Mother Nature's moods. An amazing thing happened this morning - as you know, or may not, I've been following the 17DD (with one complex carb) for about a month, on and off. I finally recommitted and started Cycle 1 all over again last Monday and was rewarded by a stall on my scale - from Wednesday through Sunday....kind of VERY frustrating to say the least. I'm thrilled to announce that working out, walking and eating clean actually work. My pants are fitting better, I've lost 1" off my bust, 1" off my waist, and 1.5" off my hips since the beginning of March......and the scale rewarded me with 171.1 this morning - down 7 lbs since I started this five weeks ago! I'm absolutely tickled pink......finally found something that is not only making me lose weight, but more importantly, making me feel so alert, strong and alive! Tomorrow, after work, is my first meeting with my new trainer - wish me luck!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Glorious morning!
I'm going to see if I can get outside with my camera today. Today's plan: 1. Work is going on in the greenhouse (steaming the muck beds to sterilize them - DSO will take 3 days to complete this)....so I'm going to do some stuff I want to do! 2. Assembly of new BBQ - DSO bought me a lovely new BBQ yesterday - I'm making steak for lunchtime today (not for me, it's not on the 17DD - I'll be bbqing chicken for myself). 3. Groceries - need to do fridge inventory then go replenish - especially the veggies! 4. Walk - 5km walk planned (with said camera) 5. The inevitable laundry...... Have an awesome day my friends! PS - 17DD C1D7 - still holding on at -4.2 (since Wednesday) - hopefully something will give soon!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Boy did that feel great!
I went to the gym yesterday. I haven't been in a long time. I decided it was going to be a cardio day. I thought the treadmill would likely kill me. It didn't! I'm not as totally gone as I thought I was! 30 minutes treadmill (ridiculous incline too) and 25 minutes on the bike! ...and I've asked one of the trainers (someone had recommended her) to work with me to develop a good training program for me......stay tuned on that one! Now, on the 17DD front, I'm holding my own. Eating clean foods really does agree with me! Oh, and I have to tell you all that Spring must be here (temperatures say otherwise, mind you)....I saw a great blue heron on my drive home last night. Standing on the side of a pond I see him at a lot of the summer......likely saying "What the heck? ICE? I came back here for ICE?"
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Adding Gym Visits Back Into my Life!
Yes, I am...going back to the gym tonight after work. Cardio on deck for me today. 17DD - Cycle 1, Day 4 today. Feeling really, really good! Work is crazy, so going back to it now...will post again in a day or two!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, Monday.....
....well, you're all likely very sick and tired of reading about me starting over, yet again. I started and restarted my clean eating journey on Monday, Feb 28th.....and today, when I jumped on the scale, I managed to lose a whole, whopping 3.3 lbs in 4 weeks and make it stick. Yes, the scale has been going up and going down......but all in all 3.3 lbs in 4 weeks - not great...not bad. It's a sustainable, slow-pace weight loss. The healthy way. I can say that I feel more energetic. I can say that I let life derail me (I'm working on that one). Sad thing....I had to put one of our kitties to sleep on Friday evening....and that kind of sent me off the rails for the weekend. Short-term pitty party and now I've rebooted and am clean eating once again. Still following the 17DD - today is cycle 1, day 1 - for the third time! I'll get there eventually! I'm NOT giving up. If I fall, I'll jump right back on the wagon. So, 174.8 this morning - down from 178.1 one month ago.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 2 of clean eating (17DD with one complex carb)...almost back down to my Monday morning weight. Feeling great!
Life is just so busy right now......
Life is just so busy right now......
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Updates, updates, and updates
Best laid plans....well, yes, I've learned something in the past few weeks.
It took five weeks to go from a functioning kitchen through to a quasi-functioning kitchen to an-almost-completed kitchen.
I now have running water (dishwasher still to be reinstalled), my new stove was installed last evening, the flooring and counters are installed.....and there's some trim work and electrical and a bit of lighting to be finished..........BUT I COOKED DINNER IN THE KITCHEN LAST NIGHT!
Ahhhhhhh, felt good to get that out there!
I'm back.
I'm back on the 17DD...restarting today in fact.
I will get back on the scale tomorrow morning.
I can't wait to start feeling great again.....stay tuned....nobody said life's journeys were easy ones!
It took five weeks to go from a functioning kitchen through to a quasi-functioning kitchen to an-almost-completed kitchen.
I now have running water (dishwasher still to be reinstalled), my new stove was installed last evening, the flooring and counters are installed.....and there's some trim work and electrical and a bit of lighting to be finished..........BUT I COOKED DINNER IN THE KITCHEN LAST NIGHT!
Ahhhhhhh, felt good to get that out there!
I'm back.
I'm back on the 17DD...restarting today in fact.
I will get back on the scale tomorrow morning.
I can't wait to start feeling great again.....stay tuned....nobody said life's journeys were easy ones!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 9 - and on track and in control!
......TODAY, that is.
Yesterday, well, suffice it to say that a work meeting went through lunch (with food brought in). I did not excuse myself and go to my office to get my own lunch, no, I did not. I ate what came in........lovely sandwiches (I'm not eating carbs, right) made in croissants, dripping in mayo....well, you get the picture, right? and a cookie...a very, very BIG cookie...and some fruit juice....and NO water......and when I got home, it lead to more derailment.
Observation: the common sense side of me says: "ahem, you did that why?" The digestive tract-side of me said: "Ahem, now I'm all stuffed and bloated and feeling yucky. You did that why?"
Today, I'm listening to what the digestive side of me said. I'm back on the wagon. I'm flushing the cr@p I ate yesterday out, and I'm moving along.
I'd LOVE to see the 160s next week..........
Yesterday, well, suffice it to say that a work meeting went through lunch (with food brought in). I did not excuse myself and go to my office to get my own lunch, no, I did not. I ate what came in........lovely sandwiches (I'm not eating carbs, right) made in croissants, dripping in mayo....well, you get the picture, right? and a cookie...a very, very BIG cookie...and some fruit juice....and NO water......and when I got home, it lead to more derailment.
Observation: the common sense side of me says: "ahem, you did that why?" The digestive tract-side of me said: "Ahem, now I'm all stuffed and bloated and feeling yucky. You did that why?"
Today, I'm listening to what the digestive side of me said. I'm back on the wagon. I'm flushing the cr@p I ate yesterday out, and I'm moving along.
I'd LOVE to see the 160s next week..........
Monday, March 14, 2011
17 Day Diet - First Week and.....
-4.8 and smiling!
I have added one complex carb per day in and have had the occasional treat.
I have added one complex carb per day in and have had the occasional treat.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Day 6 - and going strong
Lots of activity around the house the weekend as we try and put some stuff back into the new kitchen cabinets. It's not finished enough yet......but I can start unpacking some stuff so life will be easier on the cooking front.....hoping that this week will bring us much closer to the end. Still waiting for the flooring, which is on back order and due in on the 17th, then final cabinetry and trim.....and of course the countertops and sink! Really missing my sink more than anything.....I'm dreaming about washing dishes and not having to cart them into the laundryroom to do them!
Anyway, my stepson's birthday was last night, but as he's feeling under the weather, we had pizza (yes again). I had an otherwise stellar day and managed to pull off another .5lb loss! WOW! Clean eating is amazing.
Tonight is the family birthday celebration with cousins and grandma.......but I'm cooking so I can control what's going to go into the menu!
Going to stay strong and keep at this!
Anyway, my stepson's birthday was last night, but as he's feeling under the weather, we had pizza (yes again). I had an otherwise stellar day and managed to pull off another .5lb loss! WOW! Clean eating is amazing.
Tonight is the family birthday celebration with cousins and grandma.......but I'm cooking so I can control what's going to go into the menu!
Going to stay strong and keep at this!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day 3 - a slight bump on zee road!?
Okay, so yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Tuesday.....so, I ate pancakes.
Totally NOT on my food list....I'm not eating any carbs, right? I'm certainly not eating bacon either, am I?
Well, I had only TWO slices of bacon, and SIX, yes SIX pancakes. I did switch up my recipe and made them with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 regular flour and they were so good that the kids didn't even complain about them. I did NOT have syrup - instead I made blueberry sauce from 2 c of blueberries, 1/4c orange juice and 2T white sugar - and it was great!
So, I decided to get on the scale this morning anyway and face the music......
-.2! How cool is that?
It means I'm 100% back on program again today......and loving it!
Totally NOT on my food list....I'm not eating any carbs, right? I'm certainly not eating bacon either, am I?
Well, I had only TWO slices of bacon, and SIX, yes SIX pancakes. I did switch up my recipe and made them with 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 regular flour and they were so good that the kids didn't even complain about them. I did NOT have syrup - instead I made blueberry sauce from 2 c of blueberries, 1/4c orange juice and 2T white sugar - and it was great!
So, I decided to get on the scale this morning anyway and face the music......
-.2! How cool is that?
It means I'm 100% back on program again today......and loving it!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day 2 - AWESOME so far!
That's all I can say. Yesterday was stellar. Ate exactly what I should, drank my water, had my vitamins and supplements, worked on the kitchen renovation and had an incredible day.
Was rewarded by -1.1 on the scale this morning!
Was rewarded by -1.1 on the scale this morning!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Oh yeah, and we're off!!!!!! Day 1 of 17 DD Straight Up!
So, got the food I didn't have into the house yesterday evening...well, by the time we got home anyway!
So today is officially Day 1 of the 17 Day Diet. No à la Sunshine, just straight up this time. Weekend pizza also lead to several alcoholic drinks. Well within WW points, mind you, but not allowed if you're a 17 Day Dieter - not in the first phase anyway.
Hopped on the scale this morning and low and behold - -2.2 lbs for my first week of cleaner eating!
I feel strong
I feel encouraged
I feel invigorated
Today is Day 1 - by the book! Stay tuned....off to fill up my water jug!
So today is officially Day 1 of the 17 Day Diet. No à la Sunshine, just straight up this time. Weekend pizza also lead to several alcoholic drinks. Well within WW points, mind you, but not allowed if you're a 17 Day Dieter - not in the first phase anyway.
Hopped on the scale this morning and low and behold - -2.2 lbs for my first week of cleaner eating!
I feel strong
I feel encouraged
I feel invigorated
Today is Day 1 - by the book! Stay tuned....off to fill up my water jug!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Day 5 and 6 (Fri and Sat)
Hi friends! Well, when I got home on Friday, ended up having pizza....NOT on the plan, but life-without-kitchen continues so you do what you have to do.
Yesterday wasn't stellar either (good for WW, not good for 17-Day-Dieting).
Whatever....I'm so fine with that. Today is grocery day (this afternoon), so will focus on getting what I need to continue......
Stay tuned to tomorrow to see what I managed to lose this week...
Yes, me.....I've lost weight! Honestly!
Have an awesome rest-of-the-weekend!
Yesterday wasn't stellar either (good for WW, not good for 17-Day-Dieting).
Whatever....I'm so fine with that. Today is grocery day (this afternoon), so will focus on getting what I need to continue......
Stay tuned to tomorrow to see what I managed to lose this week...
Yes, me.....I've lost weight! Honestly!
Have an awesome rest-of-the-weekend!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Day 5 - and still focused!
Day 5 and still focused.
I am still doing "my" version of this diet - very few carbs (ie one carb per day except for Mon & Tues this week). I have a lot on the go at work right now and no kitchen (renovations are coming along - week 3), so it's a bit of a challenge. I also decided to start the 17 Day Diet on the weekend, after I'd already bought groceries, and without the book.
It's finally Friday, so I'll purchase what I need to do the plan hard-core starting on Monday (or sooner) and keep eating the way I have been since Monday in the interim.
Today's sneak peek brought me -.2 yesterday. Still a minus!
I feel like a million bucks!
I am still doing "my" version of this diet - very few carbs (ie one carb per day except for Mon & Tues this week). I have a lot on the go at work right now and no kitchen (renovations are coming along - week 3), so it's a bit of a challenge. I also decided to start the 17 Day Diet on the weekend, after I'd already bought groceries, and without the book.
It's finally Friday, so I'll purchase what I need to do the plan hard-core starting on Monday (or sooner) and keep eating the way I have been since Monday in the interim.
Today's sneak peek brought me -.2 yesterday. Still a minus!
I feel like a million bucks!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Day 4 of Clean Eating
4 days.......can you believe it? and still feeling strong and IN CONTROL!
Wii Fit said another -.7 this morning at my sneak peek.
That's -2.5 since Saturday.....seriously? I just love this!
Not much time to post to much more than to say my 17-Day Diet book arrived yesterday, but I didn't have two seconds to look at it.
Wii Fit said another -.7 this morning at my sneak peek.
That's -2.5 since Saturday.....seriously? I just love this!
Not much time to post to much more than to say my 17-Day Diet book arrived yesterday, but I didn't have two seconds to look at it.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 3 of Clean Eating - Happy Hump Day!
I did it - 2 full days of clean eating.
DSO and I are on a health kick together....I jumped off....and as of Saturday, recommitted 100%. So to track our progress together, we use the Wii Fit. Saturday I finally jumped on and I'm not sure what he thought (I gained since late January, which I knew). Anyhoo, whatever, just the starting number.
Jumped on again this morning and I've lost 1.8 lbs since Saturday - pretty cool, eh?
So, don't have oodles of time, but I need to remember a few things:
1. Bring IPod to work so I can have company on my lunchtime walks at work - it's ice-free on the sidewalks now, though there's still loads of snow and it's still cold, but no excuse not to just go.
2. Keep this going! I'm feeling in control - AND I LIKE IT!
DSO and I are on a health kick together....I jumped off....and as of Saturday, recommitted 100%. So to track our progress together, we use the Wii Fit. Saturday I finally jumped on and I'm not sure what he thought (I gained since late January, which I knew). Anyhoo, whatever, just the starting number.
Jumped on again this morning and I've lost 1.8 lbs since Saturday - pretty cool, eh?
So, don't have oodles of time, but I need to remember a few things:
1. Bring IPod to work so I can have company on my lunchtime walks at work - it's ice-free on the sidewalks now, though there's still loads of snow and it's still cold, but no excuse not to just go.
2. Keep this going! I'm feeling in control - AND I LIKE IT!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday - Day 2 of Clean Eating
Hi! Well, I did it, I survived Day 1 of my clean eating plan. As I likely mentioned, I'm going to be starting the 17 Day Diet once the book arrives, so for now, I'm just going on what I've figured out by "talking" to my friend who has shared some of the highlights of the plan with me.
Yesterday, I ate well. Tracked on WW and SparkPeople and was within my points and calorie range. I even walked on campus for 30 minutes after the rain stopped.
When I got home last night, I was still feeling super in control, so I got out my new electric skillet....I had bought it a few months ago to use when we had no kitchen and hadn't pulled it out yet. Carefully measured my EVOO and made up a lovely scallop/veggie stir fry. Enough for my supper, lunch today and lunch again tomorrow.
This morning, I did up two eggs in it before I went to work as well.
Today, I will be eating:
2 eggs
1c: strawberries, kiwi, pineapple
Astro Zero Yogurt (2 servings as they are only 35 calories each)
Scallop/veggie stir fry
Container of chopped bell peppers and broccoli with 1/2c hummus
Chicken breast/veggie stir fry for supper
Glass of 1% milk
Water - I've brought a 6 cup flask to work so I can keep more than one glass at my desk!
Again, will track on WW and SP and add in more foods if I'm under my target calorie range.
I'm also focusing once again on taking my multi vitamin and other supplements (Vit D & Calcium as well as Glucosamine).
Walk at lunch planned again for today and tomorrow as the weather looks like it will cooperate.
Back to the gym, FINALLY, on Thursday!
My WW meeting is today at lunchtime, so stay tuned to see what my WI will be....I'm not expecting anything too exciting today, but next week - watch out! I lost .6 this week.
In closing - I cannot tell you how good being in control feels....and I plan on that feeling growing as the week(s) progress!
Yesterday, I ate well. Tracked on WW and SparkPeople and was within my points and calorie range. I even walked on campus for 30 minutes after the rain stopped.
When I got home last night, I was still feeling super in control, so I got out my new electric skillet....I had bought it a few months ago to use when we had no kitchen and hadn't pulled it out yet. Carefully measured my EVOO and made up a lovely scallop/veggie stir fry. Enough for my supper, lunch today and lunch again tomorrow.
This morning, I did up two eggs in it before I went to work as well.
Today, I will be eating:
2 eggs
1c: strawberries, kiwi, pineapple
Astro Zero Yogurt (2 servings as they are only 35 calories each)
Scallop/veggie stir fry
Container of chopped bell peppers and broccoli with 1/2c hummus
Chicken breast/veggie stir fry for supper
Glass of 1% milk
Water - I've brought a 6 cup flask to work so I can keep more than one glass at my desk!
Again, will track on WW and SP and add in more foods if I'm under my target calorie range.
I'm also focusing once again on taking my multi vitamin and other supplements (Vit D & Calcium as well as Glucosamine).
Walk at lunch planned again for today and tomorrow as the weather looks like it will cooperate.
Back to the gym, FINALLY, on Thursday!
My WW meeting is today at lunchtime, so stay tuned to see what my WI will be....I'm not expecting anything too exciting today, but next week - watch out! I lost .6 this week.
In closing - I cannot tell you how good being in control feels....and I plan on that feeling growing as the week(s) progress!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday - February Review!
Well, all things considered, February was interesting.....
1. Was in Florida when February 1st rolled around and played the best round of golf I have ever played on Friday, February 4th.
2. Back to reality and drove home on February 5th and 6th.
3. Back to work on the 7th - VERY BUSY!
4. Started the kitchen renovation on February 14th! Happy Valentine's Day indeed
5. Today is February 28th and my sweetheart is putting the last coat of plaster up - which means that all of the electrical is done, planning for plumbing is done, and the gas hook-up for the new stove (CAN'T WAIT) also planned for.
6. A new look for zee blog! WIP to say the least.......I'm doing one of those "out with the old, in with the new things" with the house right now, so I'm moving it in to work and everything else I am/I do........oh, and that means that I'm DONE WITH WINTER TOO! (yeah, right?)
Weight loss front - well, MUCH less than stellar: I've gained 6.2 lbs since just before I left on vacation.
Weight loss attack: great fridge full of very healthy foods - and a plan of attack: I have a coleman stove which is coming out of the barn tonight which will allow me to start making my stir frys again! We've been surviving using the BBQ, toaster oven, microwave .... but it's been two weeks. I can't do this much longer!
March will bring many things, some new, some old:
1. Revamped food plan and the start of the 17 Day Diet, once my book arrives. In the meantime, I'm using my friend Leanne's "Coles" notes version and cleaning up my eating act. So goodbye to carbs.....for a little while! Hello to clean, healthy eating!
2. New paint hits the kitchen walls tomorrow - I believe the final colour will be decided on tonight, but right now, it's looking a LOT like Terra Cotta or something similar.
3. New flooring goes in first thing on Wednesday morning!
4. ......which can only mean that the new cabinetry will follow late Wed/Thurs/Friday, etc.!
5. Back to the gym after work tomorrow and Wed and Thurs and Friday.
6. Water, there will be more water - 8-10 cups or more per day.
Stay tuned!
1. Was in Florida when February 1st rolled around and played the best round of golf I have ever played on Friday, February 4th.
2. Back to reality and drove home on February 5th and 6th.
3. Back to work on the 7th - VERY BUSY!
4. Started the kitchen renovation on February 14th! Happy Valentine's Day indeed
5. Today is February 28th and my sweetheart is putting the last coat of plaster up - which means that all of the electrical is done, planning for plumbing is done, and the gas hook-up for the new stove (CAN'T WAIT) also planned for.
6. A new look for zee blog! WIP to say the least.......I'm doing one of those "out with the old, in with the new things" with the house right now, so I'm moving it in to work and everything else I am/I do........oh, and that means that I'm DONE WITH WINTER TOO! (yeah, right?)
Weight loss front - well, MUCH less than stellar: I've gained 6.2 lbs since just before I left on vacation.
Weight loss attack: great fridge full of very healthy foods - and a plan of attack: I have a coleman stove which is coming out of the barn tonight which will allow me to start making my stir frys again! We've been surviving using the BBQ, toaster oven, microwave .... but it's been two weeks. I can't do this much longer!
March will bring many things, some new, some old:
1. Revamped food plan and the start of the 17 Day Diet, once my book arrives. In the meantime, I'm using my friend Leanne's "Coles" notes version and cleaning up my eating act. So goodbye to carbs.....for a little while! Hello to clean, healthy eating!
2. New paint hits the kitchen walls tomorrow - I believe the final colour will be decided on tonight, but right now, it's looking a LOT like Terra Cotta or something similar.
3. New flooring goes in first thing on Wednesday morning!
4. ......which can only mean that the new cabinetry will follow late Wed/Thurs/Friday, etc.!
5. Back to the gym after work tomorrow and Wed and Thurs and Friday.
6. Water, there will be more water - 8-10 cups or more per day.
Stay tuned!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Okay, so I finally did it. I got on the Wii Fit at home, in front of my partner and did my weigh in this morning. Wii Fit said 178....which means I've gained 6.2 lbs since January 24th. The only consolation in this is that if I gained that much that fast, I can likely turn the tables and lose it again relatively quickly. I'm not going to kid myself into thinking that just because I gained it in a little over 4 weeks I can lose it again in the same amount of time.....BUT, I'm in and going to do it.
This weekend is a house reno weekend. No time to get out to the gym. On that note, though, I am going to find the time to repack my gym bag and get it into my van so I have it at the ready for after work gym visits next week.
A friend of mine has taken clean eating to a new level and has tried out the 17 Day Diet. She's give a bunch of her friends a summary of how it works and it fits into what I know works for me when I'm completely working my weight loss program. So, I'm just going to go for it and do it as well. First few days/weeks involve few carbs and clean eating.
My thoughts on clean eating - based on past experience, I know it works for me, so I'm IN!
I've set a weight loss goal (an interim one) for May 26th. 22 lbs in 3 months. 156 lbs. I know that at 156 lbs, I feel great.....and I look pretty darned good as well. So what's stopping me? Me....well, it would seem that me, myself and I have had a good talk with each other and we're all on the same page, finally. I've also decided to do my weigh in every day on my Wii Fit......and keep up with my Weight Watchers meetings (this session ends at the end of June). I'm going to use every tool at my disposal to get this done once and for all.....AND then stick with it!
No more excuses.....no reason for NOT doing this.
I'm going to take my measurements sometime today as well. They won't be pretty, but as I've often said, it's what I do with the numbers that matters - not what the numbers actually are when I start.
At the end of May, I will reassess and set my next goal.
In closing.....just thought I'd mention how much all of your feedback means to me. Thank you for helping me keep it real as I continue this journey of self-discovery, self-responsibility, and self-reliance!
This weekend is a house reno weekend. No time to get out to the gym. On that note, though, I am going to find the time to repack my gym bag and get it into my van so I have it at the ready for after work gym visits next week.
A friend of mine has taken clean eating to a new level and has tried out the 17 Day Diet. She's give a bunch of her friends a summary of how it works and it fits into what I know works for me when I'm completely working my weight loss program. So, I'm just going to go for it and do it as well. First few days/weeks involve few carbs and clean eating.
My thoughts on clean eating - based on past experience, I know it works for me, so I'm IN!
I've set a weight loss goal (an interim one) for May 26th. 22 lbs in 3 months. 156 lbs. I know that at 156 lbs, I feel great.....and I look pretty darned good as well. So what's stopping me? Me....well, it would seem that me, myself and I have had a good talk with each other and we're all on the same page, finally. I've also decided to do my weigh in every day on my Wii Fit......and keep up with my Weight Watchers meetings (this session ends at the end of June). I'm going to use every tool at my disposal to get this done once and for all.....AND then stick with it!
No more excuses.....no reason for NOT doing this.
I'm going to take my measurements sometime today as well. They won't be pretty, but as I've often said, it's what I do with the numbers that matters - not what the numbers actually are when I start.
At the end of May, I will reassess and set my next goal.
In closing.....just thought I'd mention how much all of your feedback means to me. Thank you for helping me keep it real as I continue this journey of self-discovery, self-responsibility, and self-reliance!
Friday, February 25, 2011
I'm here, I think......
...noticed I disappeared for a bit there? Well, um, that would be because I'm stressed and I'm gaining weight. And I don't know why.
So, I've decided a lot of things in the past 10 days or so:
1. Going to give my friend Leanne's 17 days diet a go. It ties well into my clean eating jumpstart that I was going to try again on my own - this is nice because I have a bit of guidance and support.
2. I have no kitchen....today is day 11.....and I'm losing it. We've had a few small delays, but thankfully, the drywall is going up today (praying they actually finish the wallboards today). Then Tony can spend the weekend doing the taping and plastering, sanding (read more cleaning here) and hopefully get the paint on the walls by end of day Tuesday......flooring is scheduled for Wednesday morning, and cabinets/counters to follow immediately after! GRIN!
3. Painting my stepson's room this weekend - he's getting new carpet on Wednesday as well, so now's the best time to go for it as we need to empty his room anyway.
4. Going back to the gym next week for formal exercise.
5. Not going to beat myself up about what I do/don't do, but going to focus on healthy.
Have an awesome weekend, my friends! Stay safe and here's to HEALTHY!
So, I've decided a lot of things in the past 10 days or so:
1. Going to give my friend Leanne's 17 days diet a go. It ties well into my clean eating jumpstart that I was going to try again on my own - this is nice because I have a bit of guidance and support.
2. I have no kitchen....today is day 11.....and I'm losing it. We've had a few small delays, but thankfully, the drywall is going up today (praying they actually finish the wallboards today). Then Tony can spend the weekend doing the taping and plastering, sanding (read more cleaning here) and hopefully get the paint on the walls by end of day Tuesday......flooring is scheduled for Wednesday morning, and cabinets/counters to follow immediately after! GRIN!
3. Painting my stepson's room this weekend - he's getting new carpet on Wednesday as well, so now's the best time to go for it as we need to empty his room anyway.
4. Going back to the gym next week for formal exercise.
5. Not going to beat myself up about what I do/don't do, but going to focus on healthy.
Have an awesome weekend, my friends! Stay safe and here's to HEALTHY!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Realization and Accountability
So, I have finally admitted that I'm NOT perfect
So, I have finally reached out for help
I rejoined WW at Work meetings yesterday....which of course means I'm no longer doing my WI at home on Sunday, first thing in the morning, with little clothing on.....nope I'm doing my WI at noon on Tuesdays on a foreign scale.
That's okay, needless to say, my WI was higher than it is first thing in the morning.......something about them requiring me to be fully dressed while at work!?
Anyway, I'm still focused, still moving my @ss and still tracking planning and working my way back to healthy....well, healthier.
So, I have finally reached out for help
I rejoined WW at Work meetings yesterday....which of course means I'm no longer doing my WI at home on Sunday, first thing in the morning, with little clothing on.....nope I'm doing my WI at noon on Tuesdays on a foreign scale.
That's okay, needless to say, my WI was higher than it is first thing in the morning.......something about them requiring me to be fully dressed while at work!?
Anyway, I'm still focused, still moving my @ss and still tracking planning and working my way back to healthy....well, healthier.
Monday, February 7, 2011
THUD! Back to reality!
Okay, so we had a fabulous vacation! There I said it - I ran away, the weather was awesome and it was, well, fabulous!
Got home at 3pm yesterday. Ran around and did groceries, organized kids schedules, and THUD....back at work today.
Jumped on the scale this morning - 171lbs. Yes, folks, that's correct. I went on vacation and came back a little bit lighter than I left. How absolutely cooooool is that, eh?
Well, I'm motivated to keep my momentum and smart eating under control, so am going to continue on right here, right now....today is my day off excercising. I'm finding that I'm just plain tired.d
Tomorrow - back to the gym.......
WW is tracking my food - for now.....and I'm in control and feeling awesome!
Got home at 3pm yesterday. Ran around and did groceries, organized kids schedules, and THUD....back at work today.
Jumped on the scale this morning - 171lbs. Yes, folks, that's correct. I went on vacation and came back a little bit lighter than I left. How absolutely cooooool is that, eh?
Well, I'm motivated to keep my momentum and smart eating under control, so am going to continue on right here, right now....today is my day off excercising. I'm finding that I'm just plain tired.d
Tomorrow - back to the gym.......
WW is tracking my food - for now.....and I'm in control and feeling awesome!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lack of stress is an amazing thing....
.....I've found out that I need to move to the beach. Permanently.
Here, I have:
1. No work stress
2. No life stress - my biggest decisions are - should I do laundry? or what's for dinner?
3. No appointments
4. Lots of opportunity for informal/formal exercise
5. Tons of fresh produce, and the best FRESH SEAFOOD!
6. Ocean breezes
7. No SNOW!
I'm on vacation, I've been tracking on WW, meal planning is a breeze, water drinking is the easiest thing, and I FEEL GOOOOOOOD!
Here, I have:
1. No work stress
2. No life stress - my biggest decisions are - should I do laundry? or what's for dinner?
3. No appointments
4. Lots of opportunity for informal/formal exercise
5. Tons of fresh produce, and the best FRESH SEAFOOD!
6. Ocean breezes
7. No SNOW!
I'm on vacation, I've been tracking on WW, meal planning is a breeze, water drinking is the easiest thing, and I FEEL GOOOOOOOD!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
We arrived at our condo yesterday afternoon - beautiful sunshine....beautiful day! We'd already done our grocery shopping, stopped at an awesome farm market and bought a gazillion fresh fruits and vegetables......some great meat cuts and WW friendly foods and snacks at the grocery store, so I have absolutely NO excuse not to eat very well, under my points, and in control while I'm here.
This morning, Tony went golfing with his brother and his son-in-law to be (my bil's sil).....I decided to sleep in - something I absolutely NEVER do.
Going to make a smoothy shortly (1% milk, 0 fat yogurt, fresh strawberries and a banana) and then I'm off for a long walk....not sure if I'm going to try to get into Sarasota (more than 5km) or not....maybe just a very long beach walk!? WOW, if that's the hardest decision of my day, I've got it made in the shade, don't I?
"see" you all tomorrow! Might even have some photos to share with you.
This morning, Tony went golfing with his brother and his son-in-law to be (my bil's sil).....I decided to sleep in - something I absolutely NEVER do.
Going to make a smoothy shortly (1% milk, 0 fat yogurt, fresh strawberries and a banana) and then I'm off for a long walk....not sure if I'm going to try to get into Sarasota (more than 5km) or not....maybe just a very long beach walk!? WOW, if that's the hardest decision of my day, I've got it made in the shade, don't I?
"see" you all tomorrow! Might even have some photos to share with you.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The last day at work before a vacation can be.....
......well, overwhelming.
I was going to write something else, but, well, didn't.
I decided to do some "take care of me" work before I dove in.....so I'm posting on my blog, catching up with my friends on-line, and letting you all know that I'll likely be MIA until Sunday morning......leaving on vaca - driving to Florida and leaving on Thursday....it will be Sunday before I get myself reorganized down there......
I have walking (10km walks), beach walks (different than the 10km), golfing and swimming on the agenda....LOTS of opportunity to get exercise while enjoying the warmth!
Later friends...
I was going to write something else, but, well, didn't.
I decided to do some "take care of me" work before I dove in.....so I'm posting on my blog, catching up with my friends on-line, and letting you all know that I'll likely be MIA until Sunday morning......leaving on vaca - driving to Florida and leaving on Thursday....it will be Sunday before I get myself reorganized down there......
I have walking (10km walks), beach walks (different than the 10km), golfing and swimming on the agenda....LOTS of opportunity to get exercise while enjoying the warmth!
Later friends...
Monday, January 24, 2011
One last thing!
Just noticed........I've lost 10 lbs........I have 30 more to go to get to goal.
I'm officially 25% of the way there........hmmmmmmmmmmmm....interesting
I'm officially 25% of the way there........hmmmmmmmmmmmm....interesting
Monday Madness!
Quick fly-by post
1. Tomorrow, whenever I wrap up everything that MUST be done, I'm on vacation until February 7th. DSO and I are driving to Florida - cannot wait. Sunshine, warmth (anything is warmer than here right now!), golf and long beach walks and a few 10km walks over to Sarasota.
2. I managed to lose an entire .2 lbs this week. I think my body is holding onto everything because of work stress.
3. Going to the gym - I have a 5pm appointment with a trainer to relearn a lot of the equipment at the gym. That's step 2 of getting back into the swing of things!
1. Tomorrow, whenever I wrap up everything that MUST be done, I'm on vacation until February 7th. DSO and I are driving to Florida - cannot wait. Sunshine, warmth (anything is warmer than here right now!), golf and long beach walks and a few 10km walks over to Sarasota.
2. I managed to lose an entire .2 lbs this week. I think my body is holding onto everything because of work stress.
3. Going to the gym - I have a 5pm appointment with a trainer to relearn a lot of the equipment at the gym. That's step 2 of getting back into the swing of things!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Wake Up and Smell the Roses Already!
Geez Louise.
Okay, so went to the gym....after eating completely OP yesterday and tracking, and drinking water.
Decided that I wanted to have my weight done (different time of day than my weekly WI, so the # didn't actually matter, it's a starting number for when I'm at the gym)...and have my BFI measured. OMG. Let's leave it at that.
It's an emergency! My BFI is so high, well, so high, that I'm embarrassed to put it on here right now. I will eventually, but not until I knock it down.
So, next Monday's gym visit involves a booked appointment with a trainer so that I can get a workout organized for the newer machines they have that I'm not familiar with.
Watch out "F" (as in B"F"I), I'm gunnin' for you......you're going DOWN!
Cardio workout yesterday was great - will do it again tomorrow - either workout at the gym or C25K at home.....haven't decided yet.
Stay tuned
Okay, so went to the gym....after eating completely OP yesterday and tracking, and drinking water.
Decided that I wanted to have my weight done (different time of day than my weekly WI, so the # didn't actually matter, it's a starting number for when I'm at the gym)...and have my BFI measured. OMG. Let's leave it at that.
It's an emergency! My BFI is so high, well, so high, that I'm embarrassed to put it on here right now. I will eventually, but not until I knock it down.
So, next Monday's gym visit involves a booked appointment with a trainer so that I can get a workout organized for the newer machines they have that I'm not familiar with.
Watch out "F" (as in B"F"I), I'm gunnin' for you......you're going DOWN!
Cardio workout yesterday was great - will do it again tomorrow - either workout at the gym or C25K at home.....haven't decided yet.
Stay tuned
Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday - Blue Monday, No Less
Apparently today is the "bluest" day of the year....so it can only get better tomorrow, right?!
Luckily it's a beauty (very cold) day out there - beautiful blue skies that we haven't seen in qiute some time.
Yesterday's WI - yes, I did religiously WI yesterday, was less than stellar....+0.9. FRUSTRATING, but I'm calling it a "bump in the road" and not going to derail.
Cardio at the gym tonight....no excuses.
WW does work and I am following it, so............................I will be a success.....Stay Tuned!
Luckily it's a beauty (very cold) day out there - beautiful blue skies that we haven't seen in qiute some time.
Yesterday's WI - yes, I did religiously WI yesterday, was less than stellar....+0.9. FRUSTRATING, but I'm calling it a "bump in the road" and not going to derail.
Cardio at the gym tonight....no excuses.
WW does work and I am following it, so............................I will be a success.....Stay Tuned!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
More success!
Yesterday, I did the C25K, Week 1, Day 1 run and survived!
Tracking and water are bang on
I will succeed!
Tracking and water are bang on
I will succeed!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Workout Success!
I did it!
Monday - day 1 - cardio at the gym! It was awesome - honest.
Tuesday - walk around campus like chicken without a head......
Today - workout at home - I have the house to myself and want to reorganize my workout "stuff." More likely to get used that way,eh?
Totally on track with food and feeling very in control!
I'm in a happy place today!
Monday - day 1 - cardio at the gym! It was awesome - honest.
Tuesday - walk around campus like chicken without a head......
Today - workout at home - I have the house to myself and want to reorganize my workout "stuff." More likely to get used that way,eh?
Totally on track with food and feeling very in control!
I'm in a happy place today!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Week 1 Review and Week 2 Plan
So, I did it. Finished week 1, tracked all week, walked all week, drank water all week (not enough for my body, but enough for WW), took my vitamins, hit all 8 healthy guidelines and managed to lose a whopping 1.1 lbs.
Not too bad.
Week 2 - started yesterday - continued heavy cleaning and decluttering around the house, you know the kind where all the appliances get moved back, scrubbed around and put back? Yup, that kind. Spent the best part of 3 hours working around the house and finally got the Christmas decorations packed up and put back into the storage room at my MIL's house.
Today's breakfast, lunch and snacks are packed - about to go to WW on line and track them. I have my vitamins lined up on my desk, I have my water bottle on the go (about to to refill it), and most importantly, I have my gym bag packed and in the van - not going home right after work, going to the gym!
So, this is great! DSO is picking the two youngest up after their volleyball and basketball practices after school today, has supper already planned (gotta love a farmer in the winter when he's off work!), so I'm getting ALL of the support I need at home to look after me - pretty cool, eh?
Stay tuned - today is a cardio workout (treadmill and bike).
Have an awesome day!
Not too bad.
Week 2 - started yesterday - continued heavy cleaning and decluttering around the house, you know the kind where all the appliances get moved back, scrubbed around and put back? Yup, that kind. Spent the best part of 3 hours working around the house and finally got the Christmas decorations packed up and put back into the storage room at my MIL's house.
Today's breakfast, lunch and snacks are packed - about to go to WW on line and track them. I have my vitamins lined up on my desk, I have my water bottle on the go (about to to refill it), and most importantly, I have my gym bag packed and in the van - not going home right after work, going to the gym!
So, this is great! DSO is picking the two youngest up after their volleyball and basketball practices after school today, has supper already planned (gotta love a farmer in the winter when he's off work!), so I'm getting ALL of the support I need at home to look after me - pretty cool, eh?
Stay tuned - today is a cardio workout (treadmill and bike).
Have an awesome day!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Support at Home!
My DSO has always been supportive of me trying to lose weight, but he also subconsciously sabotages me.
Great news.......he finally gets it - 100%!!!!
Yesterday, two great things happened:
1. He bought me a new food scale - it was sitting on the corner of the kitchen table for me when I got home. He's always joked when I've weighed my food before.....he's not going to do it any longer! I was watching one weight loss/bootcamp show during the holidays - can't remember the name, but it's when a bride is six weeks away from her wedding and can't fit into her dress - she gets a personal trainer and a nutritionist and they revamp her life.......he watched it with me at least once and obviously had a few items he took away from it!
2. He asked me if I had made up my workout schedule yet...which I had done over lunchhour yesterday - he's going to take on driving our two teens back and forth to practices so that I can either go to the gym or work out at home when I get home.....he's making time for me to take care of me!
This is a huge opportunity for me and I'm grabbing it with both hands!
Yesterday was day 2 OP on WW. Only 2L of water, but that's a step in the right direction! And I took advantage of the lack of snow and threw on my runners at lunch and went for a 30 minute walk in the cold!
Today I have my 750ml water bottle on my desk and plan on drinking at least 3 of them while I'm at work, so I'll be close to 3L which is where I want to be. No outdoors walk at lunch as it's snowing and slippery, so I'll hit the treadmill when I get home. Food is planned for today.......and most of it is already tracked!
Go me!
Great news.......he finally gets it - 100%!!!!
Yesterday, two great things happened:
1. He bought me a new food scale - it was sitting on the corner of the kitchen table for me when I got home. He's always joked when I've weighed my food before.....he's not going to do it any longer! I was watching one weight loss/bootcamp show during the holidays - can't remember the name, but it's when a bride is six weeks away from her wedding and can't fit into her dress - she gets a personal trainer and a nutritionist and they revamp her life.......he watched it with me at least once and obviously had a few items he took away from it!
2. He asked me if I had made up my workout schedule yet...which I had done over lunchhour yesterday - he's going to take on driving our two teens back and forth to practices so that I can either go to the gym or work out at home when I get home.....he's making time for me to take care of me!
This is a huge opportunity for me and I'm grabbing it with both hands!
Yesterday was day 2 OP on WW. Only 2L of water, but that's a step in the right direction! And I took advantage of the lack of snow and threw on my runners at lunch and went for a 30 minute walk in the cold!
Today I have my 750ml water bottle on my desk and plan on drinking at least 3 of them while I'm at work, so I'll be close to 3L which is where I want to be. No outdoors walk at lunch as it's snowing and slippery, so I'll hit the treadmill when I get home. Food is planned for today.......and most of it is already tracked!
Go me!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Reorganizing....my house, my office, and my mind!
Throw out the clutter, organize what you need......ahhhh, feeling better already.
I'm spending January's extra time purging my life. Throwing out, sending boxes and boxes of stuff we don't need to GoodWill, and decluttering everything - my head included!
What better way than to throw out unwanted weight along with it! Along with the weight will also be going bad eating habits, buying my lunch instead of packing it, and the lackadaisical attitude I have towards working out and taking care of me.
First - no more WW meetings for me. They just don't motivate me. I do very well on-line and I love joining challenges......so I have done just that. Easter Challenge ends on April 3rd and I will rock that one! It will bring me close to my first goal of 150 lbs.......then I vow that BEFORE July 1st, I will hit my all-time goal of 142. That's 30.4 lbs from where I sit today and I WILL DO IT!
I am going to be doing WW on-line, as I mentioned before and have already planned my APs for the next two weeks. This involves the pool at work two lunchtimes per week, the gym after work two days per week and my favourite torturer, Jillian Michaels and her 30 Day Shred 3 days per week. I've decided I'd like to restart C25K, so after the first, say two weeks of my new schedule, I'll flip some of my gym workouts over to C25K. I have some podcasts already downloaded for the first two weeks....so I'm ready....and I'm off!
Tracking is going well...today is day 2....again.....
Off for a 30 minute brisk walk in the cold, but sunny day outside.
Have an awesome day my friends!
I'm spending January's extra time purging my life. Throwing out, sending boxes and boxes of stuff we don't need to GoodWill, and decluttering everything - my head included!
What better way than to throw out unwanted weight along with it! Along with the weight will also be going bad eating habits, buying my lunch instead of packing it, and the lackadaisical attitude I have towards working out and taking care of me.
First - no more WW meetings for me. They just don't motivate me. I do very well on-line and I love joining challenges......so I have done just that. Easter Challenge ends on April 3rd and I will rock that one! It will bring me close to my first goal of 150 lbs.......then I vow that BEFORE July 1st, I will hit my all-time goal of 142. That's 30.4 lbs from where I sit today and I WILL DO IT!
I am going to be doing WW on-line, as I mentioned before and have already planned my APs for the next two weeks. This involves the pool at work two lunchtimes per week, the gym after work two days per week and my favourite torturer, Jillian Michaels and her 30 Day Shred 3 days per week. I've decided I'd like to restart C25K, so after the first, say two weeks of my new schedule, I'll flip some of my gym workouts over to C25K. I have some podcasts already downloaded for the first two weeks....so I'm ready....and I'm off!
Tracking is going well...today is day 2....again.....
Off for a 30 minute brisk walk in the cold, but sunny day outside.
Have an awesome day my friends!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
So much to do.....and Happy New Year!
As we welcome in a new year, so many of us work ourselves into a tizzy trying to figure out what we did so wrong last year to make January 1st the beginning of the rest of our lives! Well.....I was doing just great, actually, but for some reason I seem to have used the holiday season this year to just throw in the towel and eat....and eat....and eat (like that's news to any of us!).
BUT, this year was a bit different for me because I was actually conscious of how I felt while eating....I could tell when I was full and I could stop when I was full. How cool is that? My inner self is getting air time, so to speak....I can hear myself from the inside out....and I'm paying attention!
SO, I feel that 2010 was a great year for me, as I've relearned a very valuable skill.
Now, having said all of that, I've also relearned that sitting on my @ss for two weeks and doing very little heavy physical exercise of any kind is NOT good for me. My arthritis is bothering me - not screaming at me, just reminding me that I NEED TO STAY ACTIVE. How cool is that? Again I can hear myself and I'm paying attention!
So, I'm easing back into exercising, and weight loss. I've gained 6.4 lbs over the holidays, but I think it's going to quickly hit the road when I get back to tracking tomorrow and drinking water instead of, well, other stuff I've been drinking (in moderation, but calorie-laden nevertheless).
2011 is going to be THE year for me......I'm going to take what I've learned in 2010, hone those listening skills, add a substantial amount of exercising and menu planning, and am going to actually finally get this lovely body of mine to where it deserves to be.
I'm going to be playing with some of my friends, both on-line and in real life, and looking and giving support while I figure out the exact perfect formula for me.
Here's to making 2011 the year for you as well!
BUT, this year was a bit different for me because I was actually conscious of how I felt while eating....I could tell when I was full and I could stop when I was full. How cool is that? My inner self is getting air time, so to speak....I can hear myself from the inside out....and I'm paying attention!
SO, I feel that 2010 was a great year for me, as I've relearned a very valuable skill.
Now, having said all of that, I've also relearned that sitting on my @ss for two weeks and doing very little heavy physical exercise of any kind is NOT good for me. My arthritis is bothering me - not screaming at me, just reminding me that I NEED TO STAY ACTIVE. How cool is that? Again I can hear myself and I'm paying attention!
So, I'm easing back into exercising, and weight loss. I've gained 6.4 lbs over the holidays, but I think it's going to quickly hit the road when I get back to tracking tomorrow and drinking water instead of, well, other stuff I've been drinking (in moderation, but calorie-laden nevertheless).
2011 is going to be THE year for me......I'm going to take what I've learned in 2010, hone those listening skills, add a substantial amount of exercising and menu planning, and am going to actually finally get this lovely body of mine to where it deserves to be.
I'm going to be playing with some of my friends, both on-line and in real life, and looking and giving support while I figure out the exact perfect formula for me.
Here's to making 2011 the year for you as well!
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