Monday, February 7, 2011

THUD! Back to reality!

Okay, so we had a fabulous vacation! There I said it - I ran away, the weather was awesome and it was, well, fabulous!

Got home at 3pm yesterday. Ran around and did groceries, organized kids schedules, and THUD....back at work today.

Jumped on the scale this morning - 171lbs. Yes, folks, that's correct. I went on vacation and came back a little bit lighter than I left. How absolutely cooooool is that, eh?

Well, I'm motivated to keep my momentum and smart eating under control, so am going to continue on right here, right is my day off excercising. I'm finding that I'm just plain tired.d

Tomorrow - back to the gym.......

WW is tracking my food - for now.....and I'm in control and feeling awesome!


  1. Welcome Back!! and Great job at keeping the weight in check!

  2. Great job! Vacations can be so tricky, you did awesome! :)

