Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Support at Home!

My DSO has always been supportive of me trying to lose weight, but he also subconsciously sabotages me.

Great news.......he finally gets it - 100%!!!!

Yesterday, two great things happened:

1. He bought me a new food scale - it was sitting on the corner of the kitchen table for me when I got home. He's always joked when I've weighed my food before.....he's not going to do it any longer! I was watching one weight loss/bootcamp show during the holidays - can't remember the name, but it's when a bride is six weeks away from her wedding and can't fit into her dress - she gets a personal trainer and a nutritionist and they revamp her life.......he watched it with me at least once and obviously had a few items he took away from it!

2. He asked me if I had made up my workout schedule yet...which I had done over lunchhour yesterday - he's going to take on driving our two teens back and forth to practices so that I can either go to the gym or work out at home when I get home.....he's making time for me to take care of me!

This is a huge opportunity for me and I'm grabbing it with both hands!

Yesterday was day 2 OP on WW. Only 2L of water, but that's a step in the right direction! And I took advantage of the lack of snow and threw on my runners at lunch and went for a 30 minute walk in the cold!

Today I have my 750ml water bottle on my desk and plan on drinking at least 3 of them while I'm at work, so I'll be close to 3L which is where I want to be. No outdoors walk at lunch as it's snowing and slippery, so I'll hit the treadmill when I get home. Food is planned for today.......and most of it is already tracked!

Go me!


  1. Go you! And go you DSO! I know that it is a lot easier for me when there is support at home.

  2. yes, Go you!!

    My husband started working out yesterday morning. Maybe this supportive husband thing is going around.

    Oh, hey, I love you too. I'm excited, Sunshine, about losing this weight. Let's do it together!

  3. Support at home is so important, am so pleased you have that now....

  4. Its never too late to join as there will be a Feb challenge as well, so join the group and get going....x

