Thursday, April 14, 2011

17DD Cycle 1 Wrap Up

I did it, finally finished Cycle 1....all 17 days of it. I'm down 7.9 lbs to 170.2. I'm down 8.5 inches. I cannot tell you how happy I was to make my first oatmeal for breakfast this morning! Bring on Cycle 2! I'm also wearing a smaller pair of slacks today - size 10s! It's awesome being able to "shop" in my closet for "new" clothes....and I'm feeling great!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on finishing cycle one and losing all that weight.
    I can also feel I have lost the cm as jeans are hanging on me as is the skin on my body which I am not loving one bit.
    I will not be doing cycle 2 as feel for all the effort I am putting into this plan at my weight its not worth giving up the carbs I need for the energy to train the way I want to train....or like to train.
    So will be keeping to the idea of cycle two once I have finished cycle one....need to lose 300g's so that I could have reached the weight I set out to lose over the 17 days.

