Okay, so I need to get a grip on eating my face off when I get home. It's acknowledged, I'm going to do a bit of grocery shopping and pick up some fresh fruit, and then readjust WHAT I eat when I get home. Lesson learned there, just need to provide alternatives.
Water.....hmmmmm.....my downfall in my new office. I also need to go pick up a water jug for my desk.
APs - I'm getting lots! No aquafit today as I seem to have a bit of a sniffling problem....the walk to/from the pool won't do that any good, so instead, I'm going to go for my 30 minute walk up and down stairs and hills at lunch today.
The weekend:
1. paint door frames & stain new doors
2. fall cleaning of horsie-land - LOTS of barn cleaning APs there
3. relax and start a new quilting project
Water...elliptical & walking outside are on the docket for this weekend as well.
how about a hand full of almonds on your way home?