So, I promised myself - oh, April 1st is coming, you're not working that day - that's the day I will do what I should be doing. Reset, reboot, re-re-re-re after how many re's?
So here's what went youngest daughter is dealing with a very deep bout of depression right now and it's killing me. I know it's her, not me, but wow, really hard to be supportive 24/7 when I was already struggling myself. It's so hard as a mom to see your child suffering so much and knowing that other than being supportive, there is nothing I can do to fix this......I love my girls so much and it is just so damned hard.
As you know, I came back from an incredible vacation exactly one month ago today, and I have been suffering with borderline vertigo attacks ever since....the stress of returning to work with a 14 hour time difference (jet lag central over here), the stress of working through the psychiatric medical system with my daughter (I'm thrilled to say we are finally making some amazing progress), and just trying to get caught up.
Went to work every day, came home and NEEDED a nap. I would have been face down on the floor had I not. BUT, silly me, some days I pushed myself too hard - went to the gym, did some work around the house. And I paid for it.
As you may have read, I had registered for a Women's Learn to Run program at our local Running Room. It started on March 25th. I was in NO SHAPE to run - hell, walking in a straight line most days was a struggle.
So, the pitty party started, and continued.
Then POOF! It was a long-weekend - a four-day long weekend! WOOT! Thursday evening, we went to see my oldest daughter in a speech competition at the university and then out to dinner - nice family dinner out! Friday - we went to a farm auction - kind of a ritual around my world - the Good Friday Farm Auction Sale in Ilderton! We didn't buy much in the way of farm equipment (DF bought a pump), but I scored on a bunch of landscaping shrubs! SCORED! Can't plant them yet, as it's still snowing (what? - again Mother Nature, come on!?).
So I had a great sleep on Friday night, got up on Saturday and decided - this is it! I had my daughters clean out the fridge, and we headed off to the grocery store. Did the "perimeter" shopping like it was our job, and also visited the Health Food section. A gazillion dollars later (I haven't shopped like that in eons), we came home with lean and mean foods - healthy greens and fruit, lean protiens, and two containers of Almond milk, which I had never tried. I was immediately a fan of Vanilla Flavoured Almond Milk - I now put it in my one cup of morning coffee (no more half & half and sugar for me) and use it to make my oatmeal each morning - yum!
I also started a cleanse - my sister and her hubby did it in January and highly recommended's gentle. I started it on Saturday......and am thrilled to say that I'm down 4.2 lbs already - WOOT! I'm using CleanseSMART and boosting it a bit with 2 capsules of FiberSMART each day. It's a 30 day cleanse, and I figure with 30 days of clean eating under my belt, I will be back in the habit of eating clean and healthy again!
Okay, back to running - and getting physical!
I felt great the past few dizziness! last night, I jumped into week 2 of the Learn to Run Program - they were doing 1 min run x 1 min walk x 10. Shockingly enough - I DID IT! I kept up! I didn't die! and even more shocking - I LOVED IT! LOOOOVED IT! My left foot and shin didn't though, so like a smart woman, I went into the store right after the clinic and got fitted for a new pair of's the ones I got:

New Balance W860YG3
I had a pair of NB years ago and didn't care for them that much.....these were like walking on a cloud!
Next purchase is a good running bra! I'm stumped though...I think I'm going to tough it out for a few weeks and double up as I did last night - I know that I will be losing inches quite quickly in the next month or so, so perhaps I will wait for May and use it as a reward for sticking with it!
The house - closets, and "stuff" - I'm getting through it!
The yard - wow, it's amazing how much crap can accumulate and land in your yard over the winter...especially when you have almost 5 acres of lawn/gardens to rake/clean up! We'll get to it later this week when it finally warms up a bit.
Me - mind clutter (getting there), body clutter, oh my! Well, here's my plan for April:
Clean eating - tracking on MFP (myfitnesspal)
Mon - run club
Tues - circuit training/weights legs
Wed - run club
Thurs - circuit training/weights upper body
Fri - rest
Sat - Zumba, core
Sun - run club
Biking 3 days per week min! on that note, I also want to share that I went out and bought myself an amazing bike yesterday - hybrid, step through. I get it on Thursday - I'm so excited!
...and last but not least, UPS should be delivering a little gift to me today - my Body Media Link should be arriving today! More on that once I've got it set up and have used it for a bit.

What are you doing for exercise in April?
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