Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday - Happy Hump Day (and Day 1!)

Today I get to take my new runners out for a test-drive......50 minute walk planned for lunchtime today......the weather is supposed to be awesome today - sunny and +14, I think I heard, so no excuses from me. No gym for me today as I still have this freakish hormonally-driven headache, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me this I am not.....I have a plan....and I'm going to work this plan.....and I'm not going to make excuses to deviate from it......I'm just going to do it....and that's that.

Today - babysteps for me:
1. 8 cups of water minimum...
2. Eat only the food I brought with me today!
3. Get my lunchtime walk in.

Tomorrow - is another day, with another babystepping plan!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Yay! Another blog to follow. I like your babysteps for today. I will also aspire to #2.

    (come check me out at

