Okay, so I need to get my head into the right space......and get it to STICK! I'm getting there, but boy after months/years of struggling, it's hard not to slip back and make excuses and just throw up my arms and say - oh, whatever, I'll do it tomorrow....no more of that....it's getting me nowhere.....
So.....yesterday was pretty good - following WW, I'm now 51 days OP, but not always following the 8 HG, so I'm thinking that I'm going back to ZERO days OP tomorrow and starting over again (for the last time this time) and going to stick with it religiously. I have a dinner out to night and have no clue what to expect menu-wise, so I'm going to do the best I can with food intake up until dinner tonight (and I'm not going to have any alcohol OR dessert - that part is planned already).....it's a dinner theatre tonight and the last one they did was very good, so I'm excited about having an evening out!
Work expectations on the farm are starting up again-eeeeek! Work at the office is heating up big time.......I'll probably be working 60 hour weeks for the next two months.....so I'm going to do something just for me tomorrow.....I'm taking the day off. My to do list for tomorrow:
1. Get organized for some volunteer work I have to do for Saturday morning
2. Get some more seeds planted in the greenhouse ... and I need to "paint" some weeds in the pepper seedbeds with round-up before they get out of control.
3. Get some bookwork done for the farm
4. Get artistic.......finish logo design for the corn stand!
5. This is the best part.....go play with my horse! She's a shedding mess right now and she needs a bath something awful, so this may be her early-spring bath tomorrow...midday in the sunshine so she can dry down before it gets cool in the evening. So, if we have a horsie-spa day, then we need to redo the inside of her stall at the same time.....lots of APs to be earned there, let me tell you - just me, a front-end loading tractor and a shovel......and if there's any time at all left by the end of the day tomorrow - I'm getting the saddle out for my first ride of the season! Yipee!
So, back to today - have lots to accomplish at work.....then, I'll leave the "mind clutter" at the office! Supposed to get up to 18 degrees today, so I'm going for a nice walk at lunch again (yesterday's was a bit shorter than I had planned).
Later gators!
You've got me wanting to go horse back riding! It's been YEARS!