only healthy foods......water.......
via gardening.....getting up a bit earlier in the morning to formally exercise.....meeting friend at the gym two evenings per week.....walking around zee farm and between farms.....and swimming
via planning....making lists for trips to the grocery store.....drinking water....planning and packing healthy snacks......
water.....the essence of life. I've finally acknowledge the hoovering the kitchen that occurs daily around 4pm is likely due to lack of hydration, so starting today, I'm packing a refilled water bottle for my 30 minute drive home.
I'm reinventing me......
Today: 175 lbs......
First day of reckoning: Monday, July 19th (goal 165)
Second day of reckoning: Monday, August 23rd (goal 155)
Third day of reckoning: Monday, September 27th (goal 145)
Aiming to be at goal (144) by Monday, October 4th. ULTIMATE GOAL!
Can it be done you ask?
I say ABSOLUTELY......just focus and execute.
good luck to you my friend