So, everyone knows you need to be patient, right? Good things come to those who wait? That last one, well, I don't completely agree with. Not in a weight-loss, getting healthier, exercising more kind of thinking anyway.
So, I have finally realized that I CANNOT do everything, not all at once anyway. But there is no reason I can't put my head down, focus and put a plan together to start incorporating smarter and healthier ways of doing things. And that's exactly what I am now doing.....and have been for the past week or so.
I have just recently been promoted at work, which means a huge learning curve. Unfortunately, as I work in a large Institution, the HR wheels do not move quickly at all. So, I have my new job, and until the HR Gods revamp an old job description, post my current job, hire, and I train someone new, I have two very demanding roles. Clearly, once again I CANNOT do everything, but I am doing my best to stay FOCUSED and deal with the important issues in both positions.
So, I'm being PATIENT and FOCUSING on what I can do in the limited time available to me personally. I know that this situation will likely be resolved by the end of November (if I live that long - LOL!), but that does not mean that it's okay for me to sit waiting and not do things that are good for me. Heck, the stress alone, if I don't manage it and take control of my down time will likely drive me over the edge.
So, last week, I got my eating under control. This week, I've been taking lots of fresh veggies, hummus, planned lunch and snacks and a water bottle to work with me.......and this morning's sneak peek told me I've lost 2 lbs since the weekend. Judging by my waistband, it's not water weight, it's weightloss!
Next week will still be a "push-me/pull-you" kind of week, having to drive across my small city numerous times to be in two places on the same day. The following week; however, is the start of my "new" (thankfully temporary) schedule - Monday/Wednesday/Thursday in the new role, Tuesday/Friday in my former role.......and this will continue for the remainder of November. This will allow me to get myself back into a rythm AND GET BACK TO ZEE GYM! I cannot wait! Having said that, though, I'm not rushing into it, I'm being PATIENT while I work through what I need to do........
So, I'm feeling:
a) overwhelmed on some fronts, but am scheduling my life to try and not let it overcome me!
b) in control because of a) above!
Wish me luck!
I wish you lots of luck this week! I'm no stranger myself to trying juggle my healthy eating and fitness routine around a busy day job, but if anyone can do it - it's us! Have a great week!