That's the question that I've been struggling (?) with the past few weeks. It seems that just when everything is in it's place, nothing stays put long enough to be able to sit back and enjoy. I'm tired......I think perhaps that's why I struggle so much.
So, I'm doing something about it. Yes, I know, I've said this before. Likely I will say it again, but this time, I plan (see, I'm changing the wording here, I'm not saying "I hope") on finalizing a realistic plan and setting short-term goals that will be attainable. The short-term goals will not be a measurement defined by that evil scale, they will be measured by my success with workouts. Yes, I will still be weighing in, I will still be taking my measurements (note to self - take your measurements today please), but they won't be what drives me, they will just be the benefit.
I need to take care of the physical me. I've been much more conscious of my food intake over the past few days. I'm tracking on WW and MFP right now and finding that just doing those two exercises reinforce my clean-eating food choices. For instance, after work yesterday, I popped in the grocery store to pick up some snack foods. Instead of processed cr@p that I've been known to pick in the past (especially when I'm hungry), or cheese (lordy I love you♥), I came away with raspberries and yogurt. I actually didn't even look at my usual go-tos. Good on me, eh?
Okay, next thing - this evening I'm meeting up with my lovely (former) trainer. She's going back to school and is no longer working at my gym......but she's devised the next step for my training and as of next week, I will be back at the gym working her program and logging minutes for formal workouts rather than walks with various dogs (mine and my friends') or strolls through campus (hills and stairs included) over lunch hour.
So, while I'm working on my plan, I will keep posting. I will endeavour to keep my posts positive to help myself stay in a positive mindspace.
That's it! Here's to moving from struggling to having willpower and stayingpower!
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