Monday, May 31, 2010

Planting on Zee Farm!

Yes, folks, it's that time again! Planting season...which is why I have been MIA.

This year, I made some changes.....I planted my GARDENS instead of the fields. I was the "support crew" for the field crew, which means I made and brought out morning coffee breaks......and I sat on the planter only three times for about 1-2 hours at a time.....instead, I played in my house and in my gardens.

Not quite where I want them to be yet....and I'm thinking I should take photos and share some of them with all of you! If it's not raining tonight, I'll get that done.

Planting season on the farm is worth a ton of informal, yet challenging workouts! Lots of water - it's been sweltering hot in south-western Ontario! Sweltering!

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