Monday, April 19, 2010

Wooohoooey it's Monday!

Gooood morning everyone! Okay, so it's almost noon around here....been busy working this morning!

Anyhoo, back on track, I am tracking my foods, tracking my weight loss, tracking my exercise and oops, forgot to go refill the water bottle (will go when I finish this post).

Today is Monday - day 3 of me back on track! GRIN!

Today is a very busy day, so will only squeeze a 30 minute power walk in at lunchtime (off in a few minutes).....

Tomorrow won't be too much better as I need to drive about 1.5 hours from home to pick up my daughter's new car after work, but I will do my 30 minute power walk at lunchtime.

Wednesday - another power walk at lunchtime, then back to the gym - going to do a Zumba class if there's room!

Thursday - yet another power walk at lunchtime - lovely weather, so why not!? Then after work, back to the gym again! Pure Cardio for me.

Friday - power walk at lunchtime, then serious gardening until the sun goes down.

Later gators


  1. You sound like you're having a great day! I love your attitude. Getting that water in is huge!

  2. Good for you! You are doing an awesome job!

