Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beautiful Tuesday!

I feel strong today! So much to do at work though and still waiting word on whether or not I actually got the job or not?! They still need to check references, before they actually make an offer, and I still haven't heard anything. Great thing is that the new potential boss is back from vacation as of this morning, so hopefully I'll hear something very soon......now would be good!

Back to feeling strong. I've reorganized my work schedule so I can get to the gym - that was 3.5 weeks ago and I've worked through almost every single lunch hour since then?! Frustrating to say the least.

So instead, tomorrow, I'll be up at 5:45am and I'm doing the Shred. No more waiting for a good time for me - I need FORMAL APs.

Good food planning yesterday - and carrying into today as well - GRIN! I'm going to be such a loser this week! Wahoooooey!

Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm feeling really good about my weekend. Been back OP for 4 whole entire days and tracking! Down 2 lbs in only those 4 days, so my WI yesterday said 167 (again.....but this time, for the last time!). Worked so hard physically this weekend that last night I was honestly exhausted - physically....and it felt FABULOUS!

Syl - thanks for your thoughts of running on gravel - it certainly explains (duh, why hadn't I figured it out before) why when I start running I struggle so much with it - I run on a sand laneway and gravel roads.......so in a few weeks when I start up again (when things on the farm quieten down and before sweet corn season is upon us again), I will keep that in mind and do more walking as I gear up - ie more walking, less running intervals.

Thanks Syl!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Tuesday and I'm Tired!

Okay, so frost is evil....especially if you farm for a living.....so Sunday night, Tony and I were up all night moving pipes and the watering system from one field to the next....we had a very hard freeze, but I think we may have saved our sweetcorn! Most of it anyway.....certainly didn't want to lose the first two whole weeks worth!

I got up at 3am this morning as my youngest daughter had a field trip that was leaving their school at 4! They're off to Quebec City.....stopping in Montreal this afternoon then off to Quebec City for the night.....back on Saturday.

I had round #2 of interviews today - which I do think went well.

I'm tired, I'm at work, I want my bed!

backing up to a few minutes after my post last week - the phone call no mother ever wants to get - my oldest daughter called to say they had been in a car accident and that her sister was being sent to Emerge in an ambulance. Thankfully only bruises from the airbags......not my daughter's fault at all........the car; however, is toast. Poor Alex.....this was her car for univeristy....now she has no wheels- aack! Love my girls and so relieved they are both okay.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm back again!

So, haven't posted in a whole week.

Job interview went very well.....there's a second round that I've heard nothing about yet.....I'm perfectly fine with all of it - if I get offered the new job - great. If not, I have a good job, so I'll get over my disappointment fairly quickly I think.

Now that that particular stress is out of my face, I need to refocus on me - again. I keep trying - false start after false start......got an e-mail from my great friend Tiggie yesterday and she TOLD me to carve an hour for me out of each day......(we TELL each other things all the time!)....so today, I'm going to take my full lunch hour and either walk or get out to the gym. Haven't decided which yet......but I will do one or the other, I PROMISE......and then, I'll come back here and announce success! She's one of my greatest inspirations!

I also got a couple of very supportive notes from Syl - you're awesome girl!

Okay, so have a few things I need to get done - some of them I want to do, some not so much, so I figure if I make a list on here, then I can come back and tell everyone how I did!

1. Get to the gym 3 times this week OR go for a 45 minute walk three times.
2. Do the Shred on Wednesday AND Saturday, Sunday and Monday (I won't get to the gym any of these days because of my schedule).
3. Ride my horse at least twice this weekend.
4. Track every single morsel that goes into my mouth and stop finding quick fixes....they're only adding tonnage to my waist!

There, so it is written, so it shall be done!

To quote my cute little friend, Yoda:

"Do or don't do - there is NO try"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back and Grounded!

Literally.....grounded......down on my hands and knees, playing in zee mud!

I love spring.....gardening is one of my passions and I've been going at my huge gardens with a vengeance.....basically told all of my teens that they're in charge of food and clean-up from now on because I have better things to do with my life. Took chicken breast out of the freezer this morning - they're going to make fajitas for supper tonight....and call me when it's ready! Did the same last night as well.....GRIN!

I'm learning to try not to sweat the small stuff.....walking away when I just don't need to obsess....and after a few months of trying it....it seems to be working!

So................my friend Syl was talking about clean eating. Funny....I was having the same thoughts myself. In the past (five years ago when I first started WW and was successful at it), it was all about clean eating. The cleaner I ate, the more I lost....the more I lost, the more I was focused and and the better I felt physically......and I get away from this why? Interesting question....

This next six weeks at the office is intense for me, and I'm trying so hard to take it in stride. I also have a job interview this week that I'm so stressed about, so I need to put it in a good place and stop freakin' out about it! Thursday 3pm, it will all be over, for better or worse.

Back to the gardens and my sanity salvation.....when I get home from work! Yesterday, I ended up outside by 4:30....and got very busy....only came in from the outdoors and greenhouse at 8:46! and I thought it was 7:30. Lots of exercise in what I was doing yesterday - and I'm going to do more of the same thing tonight!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....gotta love spring!
