Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Corn Season Ending Soon!

Oooooh, thank goodness!

Sunday will be our last day with our corn stands for this season. I'm absolutely exhausted, so is my partner. His stress will continue for a bit longer as harvest continues another 2-3 weeks, but we can finally see the end!

Work is nuts, as always, and that's fine. I work in academia, it's September - go figure, it's busy.

I tracked most of the past week....and my WI yesterday at my WW meeting saw me down .6 again. Not stellar, but considering all aspects of what's going on, I'm quite happy with this.

For the next few weeks, I'll be getting back on the regular-scheduled exercising bandwagon.

Monday morning next week will be my first Shred in absolutely AGES.
Tuesday and Thursday after work, I'm going to go back to the gym.
Wednesday and Friday at lunchtime, I'm going to go back to my aquafit class on campus.

My horse will get more attention and I will be getting back on her to ride sometime very soon.

Life will be back to normal.....soooooon!

1 comment:

  1. hoping things calm down for you Laura, I don't know how you do it all!

