Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm back!

Lighter in heart.....heavier in weight....

What am I going to do about it? I've been back 100% OP since yesterday (we got home at 4am on Sunday) and I'm going to stay there. I will celebrate the holidays in my usual way, but this year, there will be more water, more salads and more exercise. NO reason to throw in the towel 100% just because Christmas is upon us!

My friend Syl was kind enough to brag about only having 3 presents left to buy....I'm sending my list on to you my friend.....I've only organized 2 so far! And I have some Christmas sewing to get done.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!
    I'm going to put this can keep your shopping, I DONT WANT IT! :-)
    i've got 24 people to cook Christmas Eve dinner for! AUH!

