Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday - again!

My last Friday ever in the office.....hardly seems real!

I'm looking forward to working this weekend.....on painting the corn stands.....really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow Tony and I will be playing golf....just because! We're taking the afternoon and evening off life and spending it with friends......should be relaxing.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday - ahhhh.....

Tony got the hot tub installed on Wednesday and we got in it yesterday morning at 6:15am before I went to work, because it was too freakin' cold on Wednesday night. Last night, he surprised me with a bottle of champagne to christen the tub with and celebrate my new job...very nice evening indeed.

So, on the weight-loss front, I know this week I haven't made the best choices on a consistent basis....much better than in past weeks, but not great choices at all.....but I am tracking, which is is day 19 of tracking, so I'm feeling that I'm learning things about what choices I make when I'm rushed.......

I threw my back out on Sunday afternoon, so haven't done any movement much at all this week. Still have to finish planting my gardens......still want to get back on my horse and ride on Sunday.....the pool yard is almost finished (concrete poured around the pool on Monday), so as soon as this rain disappears, it's back in there to put everything back together the way it should be.

Plans for the weekend: Saturday - its supposed to rain cats and dogs.....if my back is up to it, I'll get on the treadmill and my elliptical and do a workout on Saturday afternoon. Sunday, will be gardening, mucking out the horse, and opefully riding!

Next week, back to the regularly scheduled programming.....which is to get my @rse back to zee gym, pronto, without excuses.

Need to work on water.....water, and water.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Update on a Monday morning

Got lots and lots and lots of gardening done yesterday and Saturday and things are looking nice at home right now........Tony is getting ready to put two concrete pads down today - one around the pool to replace the old wood one and one new one for the new jacuzzi that's going in....well, this week! It's been sitting on a trailer for two weeks....I figured it would be at least another month before we could use it, but apparently, it will be in by Thursday or Friday - how cool is that!

Threw out my back yesterday - not sure exactly what I did, but I'm a mess I NEED the jaccuzi!

Anyway, down .5 yesterday at WI, which is a good thing....keeping focused and planning on being a loser again this coming week.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I got the job.....I got the job....I got the job! Yesssssssssssssssss.....!

Start date is July 14th........right after almost two weeks vacation, and right before corn season starts.....I've managed to negotiate my Fridays off for the whole summer! That way I canwork at the corn stands as needed!

Work is crazy - it's Research & Education Day on Friday and the event is my baby - just a little somethin' I throw together to showcase Cancer Research in London for about 200 of my closest buds! LOL.......12 hours straight at my desk yesterday - went home and fell on my face more of the same....I'll come back up for air around 3pm on Friday when the "work" part of the event comes to a close.

So, Syl, how was the ole b'day?

Monday, June 8, 2009


That's how I'm still feeling today! I had a superb weekend, WW-wise, lots of APs, tracked everything, easily made smart choices and I was rewarded by a 4.5 lb loss this week!

Still no news on the job front - eeeeeck......this is getting to be absolutely ridiculous, honestly!

So, very busy at work this week....too busy.....then things will settle down a bit.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Another New Day....

...still in a holding pattern....wrt to the new job. No clue when I'll hear for sure, but certainly hoping it will be today so I can at least go home with a big smile on my face.

Big event is next Friday at work - it's my baby, and in some ways it will be my swan song if this job is a go.......

Syl - thanks for your post about wanting something badly enough......I responded to it........

......focus is what's important to me right now....focusing on small steps I can fit into my day to make me a stronger person. 4 days OP on WW, some planned APs (other than farm/gardening) and I'm already down almost 4 lbs! Amen.......I was really getting worried for a while there that the scale was going to keep creeping up! I've gone back to my mid-morning and mid-afternoon cup of tea and honestly, I'm doing so much better just because I take two minutes out of the day to make it and sit and enjoy it!

More on Monday.....unless I get some fabulous news in the interim!

Syl - here's to WIs for both you and I on Sunday - you in the 130s and me below 166......let's go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No update....yet!?

Here we are, Wednesday already and still no clue how things are going on the job front.....HR finally spoke with my boss, so that's good......apparently they still have one more person to check with before rolling out zee red carpet!?

WW - OP yesterday, dipped into my APs a bit, but that's okay, I'm still stressed, but nowhere near as bad as the past few weeks, and it showed in my urge to eat cr@p! So, I walked for 46 minutes yesterday at lunchtime, which felt great....and I did some gardening when I got home, but as I have so much work on my plate at the office, I opted to stay at work much longer than I had originally planned on and.....well........I didn't do what I had hoped to do.

Today and tomorrow will be much the same....lunchtime walk today for sure, some gardening when I get home....and my niece and her dbf will be coming for supper around 7pm, so I need to prep some food! It's going to be easy stuff though, so that will be nice. BBQd chicken breast, baked potato, grilled veggies, and some fresh asparagus from the garden.......a bit of sour cream for the tater and all is good.

Tomorrow is going to be brutal at work - huge meeting and then working late, and then having to go to visitation for a friend's father who passed away suddenly on Monday night....I'll stay at work until 6:30 and meet up with Tony at the funeral home - otherwise, it's a wasted hour home and back to the no APs at all for me tomorrow.

Friday - ahhhhh the weekend approaches, so my APs will ramp up - my horse and my bike will be ridden this weekend - no excuses at all about either and then add a ton of APs for gardening on top.

I'll be back if I hear something positive about the job today.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The NEW ME in June!

Okay, many many things on the go right now.

Folks at home are grouchy - my step son came home yesterday after being at his mom's for five days and the attitude and mouth on him......after grounding him from everything under the sun (ie every time he opened his mouth it was another smart-alleck remark or a dis of some sort), I told him that I didn't understand what his problem was, but that ugly-attitude kid who was in our house a few months ago was NOT welcome to come back ever and that he could just leave the house and go for a walk and come back as the nice kid that we all have come to like over the past two months........NO idea where it came from, and NO intention of putting up with any of it. Truly it just made me tired! Lucky for me this time, his sister was a witness to the mouthing off, and when I mentioned it to his dad this morning, I didn't freak out about it, I just talked about it and then left it alone. That's something I'm learning how to do these days - walk away if I start getting stressed.....and have a zero tollerance for bad attitudes from everyone....I warn 'em, then I walk. Guess it's still bugging me a bit though because if it wasn't, I wouldn't be writing about it now!

Anyhoo, the job......yes, well......Friday, I heard unofficially that I have it.....but just wasn't going to let myself get excited about it...been there, done that before and not interested in getting excited and falling on my face a few days later. Yesterday, I finally heard from HR that they will be checking my references this afternoon, so I'm starting to get a bit excited about things....just a bit right now though.....because again......

My new potential boss is someone I work with a bit already, so I'm not going into a new position completely blind....however, there were a few issues that came up over the past week or so that made me think I needed to rethink my whole idea! So now, I'm comfortable because this new person I'd be working for is bending over backwards to fix/do everything I'd mentioned to him as being something we might need to discuss! What a wonderful welcoming feeling! However, still not going to go overboard with excitement......because I don't want to jinx anything! Should have a final answer tomorrow, I hope....then, watch out!

Now, back to the WW front and my lack of success of late. Well, if I look back over this whole job experience, over the past six months, my current job has been iffy at best, now that it's been secured for another six years, it's still a concern to me. This alternate job came up about 2 months ago...actually a bit more than that now.....and the first interview was 4 weeks ago....the second interview 2 weeks ago - they are so freakin' slow! So, I know that underlying stress has been part of my problem.

I've also noticed just recently that I seem to have developed rosacea on my face. I'm NOT happy about that at all........haven't had time to get into figuring out why, but yesterday I had one of those "aha!" moments - so I did some research and found out that my IUD, which I've had about 18 months, has been working a charm for the past 4 or 5 months (as in keeping TOM under control).....and it was right about that time that I started gaining weight (I've gained 16 lbs since Christmas) and that the rosacea has I'm now going to take the month of June to cleanse my body - inside and outside.......unfortunately I'll be taking a truck-load of antihistamines during this time, but as far as food/water/no alcohol is concerned, I'm going to focus on clean eating and pre-planning of my meals. No more crazy carbs, cheese, and other stuff that makes me gain....going to make sensible clean eating choices instead and see where that gets me. 30 days is a perfect amount of time to give it to see if any changes are going to take place. 30 days is a perfect start to a perfect weight-loss journey.

Yesterday - .5 over my daily points, 7 glasses of water, all veggies and fruits, forgot my vitamins, and did 30 minutes of hard physical work on the gardens when I got home.
Today - working a longer day at the office, but when I get home, I'm planning on grilling some chicken breast, making a big salad, steaming some asparagus and that will be supper. I'm also planning on 30 more hard physical minutes in the garden, and then I'm taking a page out of my friend Syl's life and I'm going to saddle up my horse and spend some time doing something physical that is just for me! Food for today is already planned and tracked, vitamins are on board and already down 1L of water.

Check in tomorrow to see how I did!

